Languages (17)

516 documents
Lithuanian language
Lithuanian language. The language of the earliest Lithuanian writings. Old Lithuanian. The Lithuanian language. Dialects. Dialects are divided. Lithuanian is spoken. Geographic distribution. ,955,200 people in Lithuania or about 80% of the 1998 ...
Languages, 8 pages
2016 04 29
Modal verb
We use MUST to express strong OBLIGATION or DUTY. Something is necessary and essential to do. Obligation is imposed (to impose – primesti) by the speaker (Speaker’s authority – S.A.)E.g.A) I can’t meet you on Friday. I have to ...
Languages, 5 pages
2017 02 27
Modals can, should, have to, must
Can Ability - sugebėjimas. Permission - leidimas. Possibility – galimybė. Request - mandagus pasiteiravimas , prašymas pagalbos. Aren t allowed. Should - advice patarimui. Why don t. Think it s a good idea. Don t have to – it isn’t ...
Languages, 5 pages
2017 05 02
Monologue about holidays
I am going to speak about celebrates and festivals and divide my speech into 2 parts: first of all I will speak about Summer Festival, secondly I will talk about St Valentine’s day.To start with, every year, Lithuania's most popular ...
Languages, 1 page
2015 06 20
My dream country (city)
My dream country. Presentation made by Deividas Gaidamovicius. Brazil. Brazil  is the world's fifth-largest country. National flag. Etymology. One explanation comes. National seal. History. Around the time of the Portuguese arrival. Megaliths in ...
Languages, 11 pages
2016 05 14
Nonverbal communication
Nonverbal communication. Presentation outline. What is nonverbal communication? What do you mean body language? How we know when a people is lying? How to know or if he likes you? Simple body language tips for your next job interview. Thank you ...
Languages, 10 pages
2016 12 28
Norwegian language
Norwegian language. Language variety in Norway. Do you know. Two official languages. Bokmål (literally meaning “Book language”) Closely related to Danish. Special Norwegian Letters Æ/æ, Ø/ø and Å/å. Æ/æ This letter represent. Main ...
Languages, 6 pages
2017 03 29
Opinion essay presentation
Plan. Topic. Participation in sports is extremely important. Do you agree or disagree? In contemporary society These days In the 21st century. Giving opinions. As far as. To begin with. Taking everything into. There are a lot of favourite ...
Languages, 12 pages
2017 01 19
Past continious
( viduryje veiksmo praeityje ) ( užbaigtas veiksmas praeityje )5. We don’t use past cont. for 5. We use only past simple for6. We don’t use past cont. ...
Languages, 5 pages
2016 05 01
Past Simple Past Continuous presentation
Past Simple & Past Continuous. Past Simple. Past Simple use. We use the. Actions that took place immediately one after the other. When we want. Past Continuous use. For two or. Tom. Test.
Languages, 18 pages
2017 04 05
Past tenses
Past Tenses. Present Perfect Tenses. Have gone to. Have been to. Have been in. Relative Clauses. Past Simple. Past Continuous. Time expressions we use with the past continuous. Past Perfect. Time expressions we use with the past perfect. Past ...
Languages, 15 pages
2017 01 23
social community - A group of people who speak a certain dialectidiolect – individual and unique use of language restricted to a single speakerBBC English, - Various terms for RPl. model of good Englishspeech chain – The ...
Languages, 3 pages
2016 12 06
Asking for an opinion. Giving an opinion. Adding information. Making a suggestion. Asking to explain. Asking for clarification. Explaining and clarifying. Asking for agreement. Agreeing. Disagreeing. Understanding. When you don't know the answer. ...
Languages, 7 pages
2017 04 26
Picture description in english
Today I am going to talk about this picture. It‘s Toby’s birthday!! His best friends did a birthday party for him. They look very happy, because he liked it. They made some cool decorations like the hanging poster over his head and some ...
Languages, 1 page
2015 10 21
Present perfect
Present perfect. Present perrfect continuous. Have / has + V ing. Have been / has been + V ing. Past perfect. Pest perfect continuous. Had + V. Had been + V ing. Future perfect. Future perfect continuous. Will have + V. Will have been + V ing. ...
Languages, 3 pages
2016 01 28
Present perfect tense
Present perfect . Thepast participle . Have has been . They’ve been married . Has lived . Has been living . It’s been raining . Several times . I’ve played . Has written . I’ve been watching . They’ve been staying . Have ...
Languages, 3 pages
2016 02 25
Project task of the foreign language (english)
Project task of the foreign language english. Come to the Banquet. Seeking Wisdom in a Genetically Engineered Earth.
Languages, 7 pages
2015 12 23
Punctuation. Pamela Cook. Full stop –. After an introduction. Use of Commas. Separate clauses –. Punctuate the following Woman. Power of the Comma. Used to link. Semi-colon. Can be used. Substitute letters to shorten words doesn't. ...
Languages, 10 pages
2015 11 17
Reasons You Should Learn A New Language
Reasons You Should Learn A New Language. Communicate with foreign people. Know something about their country. Religion. Or culture. Is necessary if you want to move. Are thinking about studying. Or you dream of working in a different country. You ...
Languages, 12 pages
2016 04 13
Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses. We can use relative clauses to join two English sentences. Defining and Non-defining. A defining relative. Defining relative clauses. The relative pronoun is the subject First. I'm looking for a secretary who / that can use a ...
Languages, 17 pages
2017 01 22
Second conditional
Second Conditional. The second conditional is like the first conditional. Is it possible. Ifconditionresult Past Simple would + base verb IfI won the lottery. Notice that we are thinking about a future condition. The important thing. Sometimes, ...
Languages, 9 pages
2015 05 24
Semi-formal letter
Semi-formal letter. Semi-formal letter is. A formal salutation. Use always last. Introduction. Here you should. Semi-formal letter body. There you write the main subject of the letter in detail. A conclusion. This should be a last paragraph of ...
Languages, 10 pages
2017 06 03
Some / any / no
Some / any / no. Somebody , someone , something , somewhere. Anyone , anything , anybody , anywhere. Isn ‘ t any. Nothing , nobody , nowhere. Wasn ‘ t anybody. Every / each. „ atskirai , po vieną “. „ visi “. Almost , nearly , ...
Languages, 2 pages
2016 12 03
Summer camp Camp cooper
Camp cooper. Location. United Kingdom. Crieff, heart of Scotland. Hour‘s ago from Glasgow and Edinburgh. Great place to visit. It is the perfect spot to spend your summer – there are forests to explore. Members. Campers aged Good place. You ...
Languages, 8 pages
2016 02 02
Synonyms. What is a synonym? How can we use synonyms? Exercises. Can you match up the synonym pairs? Can you order the synonyms from the biggest to smallest? Use the synonyms for bad to complete this text.
Languages, 13 pages
2016 04 21
Technology essay
So all in all people should take an oath where they will use technology wisely as a means to progress and lead a healthy lifestyle. That way humanity wil become much more successful than it is now.
Languages, 1 page
2017 02 22
Tell about yourself in English
My name is. I live in Mažeikiai. I am 19 years old. I was born January 21, 1996.About my qualification, I have graduated from Merkelio Račkausko gymnasium. Now I‘m a student. I currently study in Klaipėdos State College.I have 4 ...
Languages, 1 page
2015 10 07
The Meaning of Language
The Meaning of Language. Semantics. Semantics. Truth. Entailment. Synonymous and Contradictory. Ambiguity. Compositional Semantics. Semantic Anomaly. Metaphors. Idioms. Lexical Semantics (Word Meanings). Theories of Word Meaning. More Theories of ...
Languages, 21 page
2016 01 12
Time capsule letter
I adding in this time capsule items from the past to show what we had or probably you still have them.Phone. Too show or they changed and how they look before.Cosmetics. That just for fun. Too see or now peoples know what this ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 01 30
BUT: be made/heard/seen + to-infinitive (He was made to clean his room)FORGET + TO-INFINITIVE = NOT REMEMBER.(I’m sorry I forgot to call you)REMEMBER + TO-INFINITIVE = NOT FORGET.(She remembered to lock the ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 04 05