Knowing European Countries: Poland

Project “Knowing European countries”. “Poland”. Vocabulary. Derives – Išveda, kyla. Catholic baptism - Katalikų krikštas. Etymology. The origin of the name "Poland" derives from the Lechitic tribe of Polans. History of Poland. The history of Poland represents over. Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Union of Lublin of 1569 established the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Derives – Išveda, kyla. Catholic baptism - Katalikų krikštas. Cultural prosperity - Kultūrinis klestėjimas. Partitions – Pertvara, padalijimas.
The history of Poland represents over 1,000 years of recorded historical events as well as 500,000 years of human activity on Polish soil. Poland’s history extends from ancient tribes, Catholic baptism, rule of kings, cultural prosperity, expansionism and becoming one of the largest European powers to its collapse and partitions, World War I, World War II, communism and restoration of democracy.
- Geography Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 868 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 6 pages (236 words)
- Gymnasium
- Arnas