Klaipeda Container Terminal

Klaipeda container terminal.

This is the first stevedoring company, which began as container handling in Klaipeda port. Today's container terminal is modern, equipped with modern technical handling company. These companies use the services of the largest container carriers and short sea shipping lines in the Baltic Sea operators. The terminal performs a variety of services:

Container terminal capacity - 450 000 TEU per year. Terminal rebooting over 60% of all containers shipped in Klaipeda. Here it is served by the largest container shipping lines transporting containers through Klaipeda: Maersk Line, Unifeeder, CMA CGM, Team lines and other. These lines connect the terminal with all major European ports (Intermodal container service, 2013). About 15% of the volume of containers in the terminal arrives and departs from the terminal container trains. It is inexpensive, safe and increasingly popular way to carrying cargo. „The customer, who is usualy but no always, i an different country from the producer of the goods, wats those goods, to be delivered to him safely and at minimum cost“ (The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, 2009). Loading containers on the railway platform using a special RTG crane.

Oversized cargo called palette or load in excess of the standard cargo lamps measure or weight to volume ratio (Transvora,2015). Klaipeda Container Terminal has extensive experience in a variety of non-standard cargo. Various goods whose dimensions and weights are high:

Load handling used 104t. and 124t. power cranes. Very heavy cargo loaded with two cranes. Specially equipped with oversize cargo distribution gateway allowing them to be removed comfortably and not interfere with other traffic.

  • Logistics Papers
  • Microsoft Word 26 KB
  • 2017 m.
  • English
  • 11 pages (1555 words)
  • University
  • Dovydas
  • Klaipeda container terminal
    10 - 2 votes
Klaipeda container terminal. (February 8, 2017). https://documents.exchange/klaipeda-container-terminal/ Reviewed on 16:37, March 6 2025