It Is Worth To Visit The Kungur Ice Cave Or Not?

It is worth to visit the Kungur Ice Cave or not?
First of all, The Kungur Ice Cave is one of the biggest and most fascinating caves in the world and it is the only cave in Russia. There visitors are amazed and delighted by its beauty and charm. There is the cave, which contains lakes, amazing grottos and passages, impressive ice formations. Also it is exclusive for high level of oxygen in the air when people continue into cave depths. The grottos are full of crystal formations of different shapes. An excurtion though Kungur Ice Cave is a truly unique experience for those, who‘d love to explore the spectacular view.
Secondly, it is quite impressive and even scary for some visitors. The scary grottos, which is always in complete darkness. Getting the feeling of dizziness because of the air, and the thought of getting lost in labyrints, underground lake is frightening for some people.