Introduction To Psychology Slides

Introduction to general psychology. The world of psychology. Shaikh Abdul Mosin Bsc-Viscom, Msc- Psychology. Emotion. Cognitive scientistbehaviour. Experimental c o g n i t i o n. Biological. Social. Clinical. Mindpsychologypersonality. Happyiness b e h a v i o u r a l. Perception social scientist sarrow. Counselingcry. S c i e n t i s t anger. Sex. Introduction. Psychology derives from. What is Specific Studies? Psychology search for answer to the questions WHAT. Defining Psychology. Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental process. Psychology Evolution. Psychology grew out from philosophical tradition of thinking about the mind and the body. Fields of Psychology. Structuralism. Functionalism. Behaviourism. Gestalt. Psychoanalysis. Sub-Fields of Psychology. Abnormal Psychology. Adult Psychology. Animal (or) Comparative Psychology. Counselling. Counselling is a. Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a treatment contracted between a trained professional and a client. Conclusion. Psychology has been part of every humans life.
- Psichology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 29 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 11 pages (557 words)
- University
- Benas