Intresting Technological Invention - Drone

An intresting technological invention. Drone. What is a Drone? Drone is an aircraft without a human pilot. The Inventor. Drone was invented by the International Civil Aviation Organization in Canada. Appearance. Usage. Helps in Filmmaking Military Search and. Advantages. Can enter environments. Disadvantages. Drones can be considered an invasion of privacy. Conclusions. Drones don’t need. Thanks for your attention!
Helps in: Filmmaking Military Search and rescue operations Delivering medical supplies to inaccessible regions Forest fire detection Surveillance Border patrol missions Scientific research.
Drones don’t need a human pilot Controlled conveniently Invented by ICAO Helps in military, filmaking, surveillance Give media access to hard-to-reach places Can harm our privacy.
- Devices & Hardware Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1266 KB
- 2015 m.
- English
- 11 pages (177 words)
- Dominykas