Interet Forums: A Blessing Or A Curse?

Interet forums a blessing or a curse? Content. First forum Delphi forums A blessing or a curse? Nowadays Summary. First forum. The modern forum originated from bulletin boards system. Delphi forums. Advantages Ability to. Disadvantages Opens you up. Nowadays. Forums are not that popular Other sites take over forums. In my opinion. Questions. When first forum was developed What bulletin board system is?
First forum; Delphi forums; A blessing or a curse?; Nowadays; Summary.
The modern forum originated from bulletin boards system; First forum was developed in early 1970-s;.
Advantages: Ability to express and see differing views and opinions on a diverse range of topics. There is a freedom of speech, and people can write in any form they want; Share information; Easy way to find information.
- History Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 580 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 9 pages (198 words)
- Gymnasium
- Žygimantas