Individual Research Proposal

Research methodologies and methods msc hrm 2020. Individual Research Proposal. Individual Research Proposal. Background to Research. Contribution of the Study. Research Questions RQs and Research Objectives ROs. Mini Critical Literature Review.
Effective performance management depends on informal and formal processes. This includes planning, linking ways to business plans of achieving goals, and identifying measures to ensure business success. That are often discussed at managers and employees meetings called performance appraisals or reviews. Thus, managers are central people in performance management. In an ideal world, managers building up the links between the company and the employees, motivates them, gives feedback, discuss the work and helps them to improve their skills. To achieve this, managers must be suitably qualified and skilled and supported by appropriate human resource processes to achieve that goal. But performance management is not just a manager-led activity. Employees must also make their contribution to take responsibility for the continuous improvement of business processes and their skills. (CIPD, 2020)
In the small construction company up to 10 people the Managing director or other senior level managers often has qualifications to do the job, but not necessarily has leadership and management skills, and also there are no human resource professionals in the small business. Therefore, small businesses face a problem with performance management, as policies and procedures are often not in place. It can be assumed that companies’ managers are carrying out the performance management informally or not at all.
The basis of this research is an overview of performance management effectiveness in a small business employing up to 10 people. The purpose of this research is to find out whether a small business uses its full potential as business success depends on effective performance management. Do companies and senior management planning and organising human resources performance, how important people motivation and development in the company, do they evaluating staff and controlling and paying attention in employees’ performance? It can be assumed that the importance of employee management activities is overlooked in small businesses. In this research is planned to analyse and evaluate the performance management and efficiency of three construction companies with the same or similar number of employees. It is expected to interview 3 senior managers, 3 employees and 3 self-employed or sub-contractors (depending on the company structure).
The constantly rising level of the country development places increasing demands on companies. Meanwhile, the economic crisis and pandemic severely limit the ability of organisations not only to improve but also not to lose positions in their industry. In order to establish and survive in today's marketplace, business leaders must strive to be the best in their field, think and apply the most effective management methods, implement flexible internal policies, and strive to make the most of available resources. According to P.F. Drucker (2004), the firm, like every other organisation these days, needs to be designed to keep change the norm and make changes rather than just respond to it. Today’s practice shows that appropriate company's management is one of the key factors in determining the strength of organisations and successful business development.
- Management Papers
- Microsoft Word 55 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 9 pages (3280 words)
- University
- Daiva