Hybrid Mobile Applications

Introduction. Goal. Objectives. Topic. Formulation. First app Functional requirements. First app Non-functional requirements. Second app Functional requirements. Second app Non-functional requirements. Analysis. Use Case Diagram. Requirements Traceability Matrix. Use Case scenarios. Software. Development tools. Main software files. User Guide. Administrator Guide. Conclusion.
In this final project I have decided to create a food ordering application, which allows Users to add and for administrators to delete orders.
The application should allow to log in into an account.
The application shall be written in React Native or Flutter.
The application shall work on Android and iOS operating systems.
The application should check if correct log in information is supplied.
The application should check if an account exist under an email address.
As we can see within the Use Case Diagram (Figure 2) there are two actors:
Not registered user – is a user that does not have an account.
In the table below we are able to see Requirements Traceability Matrix that allows us to check requirements against uses cases.
In this part of the paper I am going to describe each use case with participating actors, preconditions, flow of events and postconditions.
From the use case scenarios and Requirements Traceability Matrix we can see that all functional requirements are covered.
In this part of a paper I am going to write about development tools used, list main software files, and describe classes with class diagram.
In this project I have used React Native, React Native Navigation, Visual Studio Code, Firebase.
In order to use the application, the user needs to have Android or iOS device and email address.
The application is started with a command line from the project location in the file system.
Then the user can choose to use the expo app within their device or an emulator with expo app installed. For this manual, we are going to use the emulator. In order to run the emulator, press “Run on Android device/emulator”.
- History Individual works
- Microsoft Word 158 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 16 pages (1519 words)
- College
- Gytis