How Does Stress Influence People?

How does stress influence people. Are you stressed out in school ? How do you manage it ? Do you take stress releaving pills ? Do deadlines make you stress ? Does stress has an influence on your sleep. How do you work in stressful situations.
The purpose of this report is to show the result of a survey on how does stress influence people. The survey was conducted among 10 students of 2a1 class.
As far as the first question on stress in school, the results are almost evenly split. Just over a third said that they do experience stress n school, while the other student split in half for answers no and a little. For me the findings were surprising because I was expecting a more united answer.
Moving on to the second question on how the students manage their stress. Exactly half of the students said that they take a break.
- Psichology Essays
- Microsoft Word 42 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 2 pages (520 words)
- Gymnasium
- Aiste