Hobbit Chapter 16 Summary

Hobbit chapter 16 summary.

The thrush told Thorin that his relative was on his way with an army of 500 dwarfs and that this battle is going to be long and bloody. Thorin did not care about it only about the treasure. Bilbo recommended to Bombur that today he will be the evening guard and he accepted it. While everyone slept, Bilbo took his armor and slipped on his ring because he wanted to go out from the mountain to say something to Bard. As he snuck out he slipped and the elves recognized him. Bilbo asked them to take him to Bard and they did it. When he was taken away, he told Bard that Thorin would never give up the treasure and that there would be a big fight. Bard did not understand what does Bilbo wants from him. Bilbo gave him the Arkenstone and told him to try to convince Thorin with this. After that Bilbo went back to the dwarfs and acted as nothing happened.

Sentinels-őrszemek: A soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.

  • Literature Home works
  • Microsoft Word 12 KB
  • 2021 m.
  • English
  • 1 page (266 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Erdélyi
  • Hobbit chapter 16 summary
    10 - 1 votes
Hobbit chapter 16 summary. (January 18, 2021). https://documents.exchange/hobbit-chapter-16-summary/ Reviewed on 17:25, March 6 2025