History Notes On Cambridge A Level Component 4

Proletariat , bourgeoisie. Communism Leninism Marxism Leninism Stalinism LENINISM. Vladimir Ilich Lenin. Lenin’s Russia Struggle for power. His opponents were primarily men of theory -- Marxists to the core -- rather than men of action. The need of Five Years plans Why? Industrialisation was therefore seen as a from of social engineering. Role of Stalin in the decision to launch the FYP. Shows Stalin’s opportunism. First Five Year Plan Government’s main efforts in the countryside were concentrated on extracting grain from the kulaks.
COMMUNISM: Is an ideological branch of socialism - but as far as Marxism goes it contains the idea that the market is not only - as in socialism, flawed - but altogether wrong.
Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1870-1924. Joined Russian Social Democratic Party(Marxist party) Then he provoked a split in a party and formed his owned Bolshevik party . Returned to Russia from exile in 1917 and pushed for the revolution. Wanted to overthrow provisional government. After successful revolution he acted as prime minister until his death in 1924.
1917 october Lenin overtook provisional government, believed that Bolsheviks represented the proletariat
Faced a lot of problems when dealt with the reality
Art and culture under the state control, tried to create the culture and art of new state
Proletkult- in theory a movement created by working class, but in theory the people withing were mainly artists from different industries. Main goal to educate the masses. Developed before Lenin, however Lenin controlled it and used this movement rather as a tool of propaganda. It was used to spread across the Soviet Union and “create” or propel the new culture of created state. There was even a Proletkult university established for factory workers. Did not work as planned as the culture was rather created by intelligentia than Proletkult. Close supervision was imposed. However, literacy rose to 51% from 41.
In 1917 during the provisional government and tsar period everyone with a grievance began organising councils, committees and groups. It was a society based on contacts and self-help. As the government’s authority waned, so the influence of the soviets and locals organisations grew. The problem facing the divided government was that much of the country was beyond its control and most of the demands of the population could not be met. Decision to launch an attack on Germany was a disaster as many soldiers and socialists turned against the government. However the Moderate socialists did not want power and the left-block was not popular enough. Everyone then waited for the Bolsheviks to seize power as it was just a mater of time. As they finally overtook the power they faced with serious opposition that resulted in a bitter civil war. The scale of opposition resulted in widespread se of terror and short-term economic compromises, which had sees the return of some private industry under the New Economic policy
The period of 1924 to 1929 was one continuous struggle to power, which ultimately ended in the rise of Stalin to supreme leader of the Soviet Union. The main players in power campaign we the members of Politburo - the party’s inner group of leaders, which in the 1924 included Zinoviev, Kamanev, Tomsky, Bukharin, Rykov, Stalin and Trotsky. However, the main rivals were Stalin and Trotsky. All of the leaders of the Left met their deaths at Stalin’s orders.