High Achievments Essay

High achievments essay.

We all learn something every day, something new, something we do not know. Those who are in school, collage, university or even those who are still in kindergarten learn something new, from their teachers, every day, except the weekends, at the weekend we have to get some rest. Kids learn how to read, count, write or draw. Older students learn new languages, new formulas and new rules.

One day some of those people reaches high achievements. But how it happens? Was that man talented, or did he worked very hard, or maybe it was all a myth. I personally think that is definitely not a myth, maybe a little, little piece of talent. But the biggest part of that high achievements was hard work.

Even those who think they reached the top of their limits are wrong because we still getting better at something, it does not matter how unimportant that thing is, it still helps us to improve.

  • Self Improvement Essays
  • Microsoft Word 10 KB
  • 2016 m.
  • English
  • 1 page (246 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Domantas
  • High achievments essay
    10 - 2 votes
High achievments essay. (November 23, 2016). https://documents.exchange/high-achievments-essay/ Reviewed on 13:03, March 6 2025