Glasgow Accent

Consonants. Vowels and diphthongs. Vowel length. Content. Introduction. Interview transcription. British English transcription. Glasgow transcription. Components of Glasgow English. Consonants. Vowels and diphthongs. Vowel length. Conclusion. Reference.

Glasgow was settled from an early period. The English of Glasgow is fundamentally the after effected of the blend of two lingo framework: the neighborhood vernacular, an assortment of Scots; and Standard English (STE, which got set up in Scotland as a class lingo in the eighteenth century. The phonetic definition in Glasgow was the subject of an investigation by R.K.S. Macaulay in the mid-1970s. Macaulay distinguished three class groupings based on emphasis, for present purposes class personality in Glasgow can be thought of as far as a difference between the regular workers and the middle classes. Nonetheless, as wherever else in Britan, it can discover individuals anyplace in the range going from well known Scottish tongue to known Standard English. A solid Scottish intonation is increasingly visited in country zones. (The upper class are practically non-existent in Glasgow). One of the most well known Glasgow entertainers who still utilize this highlight is James McAvoy. Scots speakers despite everything tend just to be presented in youth to a Scottish English continuum which is established in their own nearby stock of Scots as are not impacted much by other topographically delimited wide choices. The size, closeness, and impact of Britain, just as populace developments mean, be that as it may, that verifiably and synchronically, the Scottish English continuum is pulled in towards its English neighbor by similarity.

Stephen: You have done a lot of stage work, haven’t you?

James: I have done a lot of stage work. I have done Macbeth. Are we allowed to say it? Yes we are.

James: Macbeth! You’re all gonna die tonight1. Yes I did Macbeth and quit often work with the same guy, Jaily. Loyd, a director, who is wonderful. I’m very lucky.

Stephen: Speaking of the Scottish play, I hope you don’t mind but when I met you backstage I was really struck by the fact I know you from, like, ‘Atonement’, and obviously as professor. I think of you as English.

James: I’m a professional Englishman. But I help them out when they’re busy, but in my spare time, I’m Scottish.

Stephen: Does it bother you that people think of you as English instead of Scottish? How Scottish are you?

James: It’s like you don’t put a square thing nay round hole.

James: I’m from Glasgow, which is on the west side.

Stephen: People from Liverpool are Liverpud Liannes. What are people from Glasgow called?

  • Languages Individual works
  • Microsoft Word 32 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 12 pages (2801 words)
  • University
  • Radvilė
  • Glasgow accent
    10 - 3 votes
Glasgow accent. (December 2, 2020). Reviewed on 17:15, March 6 2025