Geography (3)
To begin with, global warming has damaging effects on our planet. It is mainly caused by car and coal-powered power stations emissions and cutting down forests that clean air and provide us with oxygen. This way greenhouse gas is released to the ...
Geography, 1 page
2019 02 27
Global warming. The effect of global warming is already bringing harm to human and nature. Greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect. Glaciers and water. Ice coat like a protective cover over the Earth and our oceans. Animals becomes endangered ...
Geography, 11 pages
2020 06 08
Grand Canyon. What is grand canyon? Its a canyon, located in the state of Arizona in the United States. Structure. Grand Canyon is made from other small canyons flowing into one large canyon. Nature. Rims are high enough to receive the winter ...
Geography, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Greece.Masterpieces Of The Ancient Times. Whether you are. Breathtaking landscapes. Rugged mountains, exotic, pristine beaches with crystal-clear waters. Affordability. Whether you are travelling on a budget or looking for luxurious options. ...
Geography, 7 pages
2020 06 16
Hawaii Paradise of the Pacific. Dream vacation. What to see and do in. The Aloha state. Hawaii is a state of the United States of America. Official languages are English and Hawaiian. Official seal of Hawaii. Flag of Hawaii. Geography. There are ...
Geography, 16 pages
2019 12 11
Hurricane Florence. Hurricane Florence was. The Category first hurricane slowed to 2-3 miles per hour. A week after the hurricane, major highways remained flooded and closed. People died. How we could help? Evacuated people need clothing, ...
Geography, 12 pages
2019 01 15
Hurricanes. Content. What is a Hurricane? What are the parts of the Hurricanes. A hurricane is a type of a storm called a tropical cyclone. What are the parts of a hurricane? Eye Eye wall Rain bands. What makes Hurricanes form? There are two main ...
Geography, 11 pages
2020 06 07
India. By Adam. To find India on a world map Locate Asia. Location South. Republic of. Subcontinent. India is a large country in southern Asia. Bangladesh. Pakistan. Exports tea. Agriculture. The Flag. The top stripe is dark gold, the middle ...
Geography, 20 pages
2021 02 08
Indian ocean tsunami. version with movies on nmww dvd. Tsunami waves. Alfred Wegner observed. Earthquakes since. Mag 9, 0. 58 GMT, 10 km Deep, 250 km SSW. Facts model – pmel - titov. Depth Gauge Record of Mercator anchored 1 mile from coast of ...
Geography, 83 pages
2018 10 04
Indonesia. Indonesia is a unitary. Islands. Indonesia consists of. People. Population of Indonesia. Culture. Each ethnic group. Cuisine. Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and colourful cuisines in the world. Favourite food. Bakpao ...
Geography, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Ireland. Contents. Ireland - is an island in the North Atlantic. Pictures of Ireland. Ireland flag. Greeting and meeting. Irish people are. Gift giving etiquette. Traditionally, gift giving in Ireland is customary for birthdays and Christmas. ...
Geography, 15 pages
2018 01 09
Ireland. Ireland is an. Flag of Ireland is a vertical tricolour of green. At present, Northern Ireland doesn't have flag and uses the United Kingdom flag. Ulster flag, which was previously used by the Northern Ireland Government. Dublin is a ...
Geography, 9 pages
2018 11 28
Italy. Although oranges are the most widely produced in Italy. Yes, football is their favorite and most popular sport. The most popular and best footballer is Gianluigi Buffon. Also popular athletes. Arianna Fontana Athlete, short track skater. ...
Geography, 13 pages
2021 03 06
Jakarta ranked world’s most environmentally vulnerable city Jakarta's air has been heavily polluted for years. The land surface of Jakarta is heavily populated and has many environmental challenges to face. Previously , the architectural named ...
Geography, 1 page
2022 04 13
Project “Knowing European countries”. “Poland”. Vocabulary. Derives – Išveda, kyla. Catholic baptism - Katalikų krikštas. Etymology. The origin of the name "Poland" derives from the Lechitic tribe of Polans. History of Poland. ...
Geography, 6 pages
2021 01 13
Köln, Deutschland. Inhalt. Köln Stadt Kölner Dom Universität zu Köln Hohenzollernbrücke Museen. Köln Stadt. Köln - die viertgrößte Stadt in Deutschland sowie dem ersten größten in Nordrhein-Westfalen Stadt. Kölner Dom. Der Kölner ...
Geography, 8 pages
2017 12 19
Krakow. Introduction to Krakow. Krakow is the second-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Tourist attractions. Main market square. The Jewish Quarter - set within walking distance of the Old Town. The Dragon's Den. Historical and ...
Geography, 8 pages
2022 05 22
Lake Hillier. About Lake Hillier. With its mere. The Hillier Lake. Why is Lake Hillier Pink? The reason of. Its pink color. Lake nowadays. For a six. Thank you for your attention.
Geography, 8 pages
2020 04 03
Latvia. Location. Located in Northern. Geography. Total area. Municipalities of Latvia and the capital city. Height - m Located in Vidzeme, Madona municipality. Highest hill - Gaiziņš. Length – 452 km Located in Vidzeme Beautiful. Longest ...
Geography, 43 pages
2020 11 29
Latvia. Location. Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Language. Latvian language is a Baltic language spoken in the Baltic region. Latvia population. Flag. The flag in. Capital. Riga is the capital and largest city of ...
Geography, 10 pages
2019 01 05
Latvia the true european destination. Introduction. There is a famous saying that, “The world is simply a book. As many people can talk about the going to. France or Spain, Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Latvia. ...
Geography, 17 pages
2020 12 23
Leap castle,. Ireland. This is one of the most frightening places throughout Ireland. The history of the Leap Castle dates back to the fifteenth century. In the middle. It is said that even now the castle is haunt. Thanks for watching!
Geography, 6 pages
2018 03 17
Litauen. Nachbarstaaten. Litauen liegt zwischen Ost – und WestEuropa. Litauische staatshymne. Die litauische Hymne wird oft als “Nationalgesang” bezeichnet. Deutsche Nachdichtung von Eduardas Astramskas,die ÜBersetzung ist nicht ...
Geography, 8 pages
2018 03 22
London. Municipalities. London consists of. People. The people of. Transport. The public transport network is one of the most developed in the world. Rugby Cricket Football. The Eye of London. United Kingdom in the capital of the United Kingdom. ...
Geography, 8 pages
2018 01 23
There are 62,7% of Luxembourgers, 13,2% of Portuguese, of Italian 4,6% of Italian, 4,6% of French, 3,4% of Belgians, 2,4% of German, 0,9% of Dutch.Most of traditional dishes are of peasant origin. The most well-known Luxembourg meal might ...
Geography, 13 pages
2017 12 08
Luxembourg. Luxembourg. Introduction. A Landlocked country. A giant gorge Luxembourg is a city with cliffs. Luxembourg culture is a mix of Romance Europe and Germanic Europe. Map. Visa and allowance. Eea and swiss. Transport systems. BY LAND Main ...
Geography, 20 pages
2020 12 01
Machu Picchu. What is Maccu Picchu? Machu Picchu - is the site of an ancient Inca city. Map of Machu Picchu. History. The town was founded around And lived until 1532, when Spanish conquistadors invaded the territory of Incas.Construction. ...
Geography, 11 pages
2019 05 21
Mammals quiz. What is the National animal of India? A Tiger. What animal can paint,play football? B Elephant. What's the largest animal on Earth? A Blue whale. What is the tallest land mammal? Giraffe is the tallest land mammal. What usually is ...
Geography, 22 pages
2019 03 19
Mein land - litauen. Litauen ist der südlichste der drei baltischen staaten. Litauen hat etwa. Kultur. Litauen wird von vielen verschiedenen kulturellen einflüssen geprägt. Museen und galerien. Es gibt zahlreiche museen und galerien in ...
Geography, 11 pages
2020 06 09
Melting glaciers. What is a glacier? How does a glacier form? Why do glaciers matter? Glaciers types. Mountain glaciers. Continental glaciers. How to reduce glacial melting? Sources. Quiz. Vocabulary. Thank you for your attention!
Geography, 15 pages
2020 06 08