Friendship Essay

Of course, that person should have similar likings. Even though many would disagree with me but it’s just my opinion and understanding of true friendship. I have only a couple of good and true friendships that I’m happy about. But in my life, there are way more friends that are just friends. You know him he knows you if needed you both would help each other and that’s all. And I think we all have more Friends than true Friendships. Maybe because if you would have a lot of true friendships it would be hard to maintain them all and keep them healthy. Because you just won’t be able to spend a lot of time with your true friends some of them would get less time and that could become a real problem. And proving that friendships and type of friends have changed. So back in the days with no phones, you had a group of people who were your good friends. And everyone was happy no one was dividing each other between who is a friend and who is a really good friend. Everyone was the same good friends. Maybe it was like this because we were young kids.
All in all, in my opinion, the definition of the word friendship has changed a lot over the years and still is changing and we don’t know or it will stop. Having true friendships that you can trust are important to a human’s life.