Frederick Herzberg Two Factor Theory Of Motivation

Summary. Contents. Introduction. Short review of frederick herzberg biography. Frederick herzberg professional career. Frederich herzberg teaching and research. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation. Frederick Herzberg job factors classification. Limitations of Two-Factor Theory. Implications of Two-Factor Theory. Conclusion. List of sources. Task 1. Active vocabulary. Task 2. Questions and answers.

Usually when person gets question “what motivation at work means for you”, the first thought which comes to mind is money. Yes, it would be fair to say that money is like main factor. But there are a lot of other factors which should be considered. In the field of motivation Frederick Herzberg left a significant trace. He was the first one, who analyzed this area widely. In these days Mr. Herzberg is still mentioned for his two-factor theory of motivation. Intangible benefits, intangible rewards are the features of his thinking. Interesting person, whose biography, career, teaching and thinking you will find in this paper, may will change your understanding about motivation. Before reading please consider what factors of motivation affects you at work, maybe you will find something new.

In this paper I am going to introduce you with Frederick Herzberg personal life and analyze his contribution to our society. Firstly I am going to begin with short review of Mr. Herzberg biography and personal career, later I am going to introduce you with Frederick Herzberg teaching and research and also with the most important two-factor theory of motivation. The main goal is to identify why Frederick Herzberg is still mentioned on these days.

Goal: To identify why Frederick Herzberg is still mentioned on these days.

In conclusion I could say, that Frederick Herzberg two-factor theory of motivation is correct, cause not only salary and good work conditions affects personal motivation. Motivation also comes from inside feelings, reputation and understanding how your role is important for organization. However, each employee over time must earn satisfier factors himself.

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation. (Ed.), MSG management study guide. Retrieved from

Miner. (2005). Essential theories of motivation and leadership. (Ed.), Organizational behaviour. Retrieved from

PSP Metrics. (2017). One More Time: Answers For Motivating Today's Employees: Frederick Herzberg’s Research On Work Motivation And The PSP Legacy. (Ed.), Resources. Retrieved from 

Initially (synonym of “primarily” or “at first”) – iš pradžių

Yield (this is what we are getting from different areas) - derlius

Comprehensive measure (way, which includes all or nearly elements or aspects of something) – išsami priemonė

He died from a heart attack and injuries sustained in a related fall

  • Psichology Papers
  • Microsoft Word 232 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 14 pages (2702 words)
  • University
  • Vaiva
  • Frederick Herzberg Two Factor Theory Of Motivation
    10 - 2 votes
Frederick Herzberg Two Factor Theory Of Motivation. (October 4, 2018). Reviewed on 13:11, March 6 2025