Financial Analysis Of AB Linas Agro Group

Financial analysis of AB Linas Agro Group .

The analysis of all ratio groups showed the effective companies job, suitable usage of asset, high correlation between owner’s equity and current liabilities, high ratio of liquidity to pay current debts, proper usage of inventory, but profitability ratios were not so good, because companies asset creates a small part of incomes (between 0.6 % to 3 %) and incomes creates also a small part of profit (between 0.6 % to 1.6 %) of the company.

Bankruptcy analyses’ showed the same results. All three analyses showed that company has low probability to go bankrupt and have a great long-term prospective.

Using financial reports of the company and material given in the lecture, calculate and analyse two ratios of each ratio group (groups: solvency, liquidity, profitability, efficiency). Explain the results of your calculations, explain why they change. Show the trends of the period in graphs (horizontal analysis).

Requirements for the report: 10-12 pages (without cover page, references and appendicies). Structure of the report: cover page, contents, introduction, main text, conclusions, references, appendicies).

  • Economy & Finance Analysis
  • Microsoft Word 65 KB
  • 2017 m.
  • Lithuanian
  • 20 pages (2547 words)
  • Vilma
  • Financial analysis of AB Linas Agro Group
    10 - 2 votes
Financial analysis of AB Linas Agro Group . (April 23, 2017). Reviewed on 17:37, March 6 2025