Examples (2)
Konosmani eshte nje document i shkruar te cilin e jep anijetari ne baze te kontrates se nenshkruar per transporin e mallit, verteton se ka pranuar mallin per transport dhe te njejtin do ta merr derguesi i mallit ne poritn e caktuar. Konosmani ...
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2020 03 11
I am going to speak about celebrates and festivals and divide my speech into 2 parts: first of all I will speak about Summer Festival, secondly I will talk about St Valentine’s day.To start with, every year, Lithuania's most popular ...
Languages, 1 page
2015 06 20
If you are wondering why I chose International Business, my answer is quite a cliché: my parents have a family business. Since I was thirteen, I used to help out my parents and learned many useful skills and came to realize I am capable of ...
Career, 1 page
2017 03 16
Information and 1. display panels. Will provide information for 2. and other travellers. Information on time, 3. , parking and public transport. Will be placed at 4. accesses to the city. Income from 5. space for advertisements. Market research ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 3 pages
2016 11 28