Evaluating The Success Of Stalin In Modernising The USSR

Evaluating the success of Stalin in modernising the USSR.

Second five-year plan (1933-37) mining for lead, tin, zinc... transport and communications boosted, new rail ways, canals were built eg Moscow underground railway

Had quotas to meet and if failed they would be fined

Hard labor- workers were prisoners, forces labor eg kulaks and jews

Many deaths and accidents (100,000 workers died in the construction of the Belomor Canal)

A lot of money was spent on industrialization eg bringing foreign architects to build the canals...

Focus on heavy industry rather than consumer goods, not enough consumer goods

Conclusion: he was successful in modernizing the ussr but at great human cost

The second five-year plan (1933-37) was concentrated on industrialization. That meant an increase in mining for lead, tin and zinc. Stalin brought in foreign architects to help build and improve transport communications for example new rail ways, canals and one of the most famous the Moscow underground railway.

Some would say that Stalin was successful in modernizing the Soviet Union in the years 1928-41 because the industrial production increased, and the country had almost nonexistent unemployment by the late 20’s and more women than ever before were part of the workforce.

  • History Essays
  • Microsoft Word 16 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 3 pages (820 words)
  • School
  • Gretutee
  • Evaluating the success of Stalin in modernising the USSR
    10 - 2 votes
Evaluating the success of Stalin in modernising the USSR. (May 22, 2019). https://documents.exchange/evaluating-the-success-of-stalin-in-modernising-the-ussr/ Reviewed on 12:56, March 6 2025