Euthanasia In Human Life

Euthanasia. All human beings have a right to live, but do they have the right to choose death. Word Euthanasia has different meanings, considering its usage. Euthanasia has several ways to be done. Lithuania Bioethics committee presents and categorizes it like. Active and Passive Euthanasia. Active means lethal injection mainly Potassium chloride. Voluntary free or non-voluntary euthanasia the difference between the capability to make a decision. Suiciding with help. The main difference between active and suicide is the first case the lethal injection is given to the patient by a doctor, and in the second, it is done by the patient himself. Indirect euthanasy. There is a lot of discussion between proponents and opponents of euthanasia that causes a case where an incurable patient suffering from massive, no medical relentless pain is allowed to increase doses of analgesics that ultimately result in the death of the patient. Currently, active euthanasia and assisted suicide with legal aid are legalized only in a few European countries. The problem of euthanasia must be considered in different ways in other words in different discourses. The constitution of each country clearly states the rights of human beings, in all social structures. Man would not be human if he did not live by acceptable moral norms, which in one way or another form a person and a society.
All human beings have a right to live, but do they have the right to choose death? This question has been analyzed for a long time in philosophical, ethics, law acts, and moral norms. Euthanasia could be a solution for a person who has serious health issues. However, Euthanasia isn't allowed in all countries. Nevertheless, what is Euthanasia, how it works, and why she is attributed to the social problems list?
Word Euthanasia has different meanings, considering its usage. Euthanasia from the Greek language is “eu” and “thanatos” means “good, honourable death” (from Greek: εὐθανασία; "good death": εὖ, eu; "well" or "good" + θάνατος, thanatos; "death") human decides to end his life in the easiest way possible, to avoid torment. Frency Bekon named this action - "Mercy killing" but in the long term run this word spread its meaning to a new level. Nowadays this word Cambridge Dictionary explains: "The killing of someone who is very ill to end the person's suffering". Meaning, Euthanasia is a process in spite of it all human is killed in the gentlest way possible. Also, It is associated with suicide.
Euthanasia has several ways to be done. Lithuania Bioethics committee presents and categorizes it like:
Active and Passive Euthanasia. In another way, passive is refusing surgery or taking medicine, this way of euthanasia is more acceptable throughout society and medics. Meanwhile active has unambiguously disagreed in most countries. It is not hard to realize the difference between passive and active euthanasy - one which stops life without human interference and vice versa. In practice colliding with a lot of provident cases and this theory, the phase is not that simple. Medic turning off lung ventilating machine for a person whos lungs does not work properly would be a gift or a murder and that responsibility mostly falls on family members to decide. In this case, it is hard to decide if its passive or active euthanasy. Morale aspect is important in this problem. Although murder or active life dissolution is considered an evil thing, morale often proves it wrong. There are cases when human clashes with pain, murder look like the humane and ethical thing to do. Also, we should consider that passive euthanasy is rarely a peaceful and calm death. Society is a tenacious stereotype, natural death is calm, painless, and easier than a medical extended life span. A patient who refused treatments like transplantation or dialysis mostly lives, but he often has bad experiences like nausea, convulsion, and so on, leads to hard life circumstances. Laws that defend natural and calm ways to die provides only one possibility - treatment refusal, which, often does not guarantee this law. So, if it is possible to murder or allowance to death concept difference, it does not solve moral problems. It is impossible to ground base one possibility and reject another. After all these projections are not useless. It allows active life annulment moral harm than the allowance of normal death.
- Ethics Individual works
- Microsoft Word 161 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 10 pages (3968 words)
- University
- Evelina