Essays (27)

1816 documents
People are losing the value of face-to-face communication
People are losing the value of face-to-face communication.
Psichology, 3 pages
2019 09 25
People are losing value of face-to-face communication
People are losing the value of face-to-face communication.
Psichology, 1 page
2022 03 31
People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life
People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life.
Psichology, 1 page
2020 09 30
People these days are motivated by self-interest
People these days are motivated by self-interest.
Self Improvement, 2 pages
2022 04 14
Perfect age to move out essay
Most of us eventually grow to the age when we have and want to leave our nest. Some do it younger, some older, some never. But what‘s the best age for a young person to leave their parents’ home?First of all, let’s take a look at ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2022 05 17
Periodontitis disease essay
So as you already chose this profession, you already know main problems and diseases of oral health. One of them is periodontitis. In my language, first of all I will tell you what is periodontitis, then tell you what are signs and main signals ...
Medicine, 1 page
2018 10 24
Physiotherapy during a pandemic
Research proposal physiotherapy during a pandemic background. Methods of analysis.
Medicine, 1 page
2021 02 27
Plastic surgery essay
Plastic surgery is done for serious injuries. For example, my sister had plastic knee surgery. She had an injury last summer and doctors had no other option just to have surgery. It was a plastic surgery because doctors took some of her shins and ...
Medicine, 1 page
2021 04 03
Plastic surgery: pros and cons essay
As we unfolded a new era of medicine, the branch of plastic surgeries followed the trend as well. Beauty standards change from century to century, dictating how people should look. In the XXI century, people look at plastic surgery for a short ...
Medicine, 1 page
2021 03 14
Plastic Waste essay
*This pie chart tells us about percentage of Plastic Waste in an Average Japanese Household, 2013. There are seven sections. The biggest percentage of Plastic Waste is ,,Food packaging" and ,,Shopping bags".The lowest percentage consists of ...
Environment, 1 page
2020 06 16
Playing computer games is a waste of time
Firstly, such games are addictive and can impact one’s lifestyle negatively. Usually, children spend hours playing games online and not even parents can persuade them to stop. They get wrapped up in their computer and do not want to do anything ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2021 06 07
Pollution essay
Human history is inseparable from the ever–increasing negative environmental impact. In Lithuania, as in the whole world, there is pollution. We want to fight with pollution, to help our future generations live better, but do we taking action ...
Environment, 2 pages
2020 11 05
Pollution is one of the biggest problems essay
Pollution is one of the biggest problems we humans are facing today. Air, water, noise, soil pollution are some of the major types of pollution at the moment.Today smoke emitted by vehicles and factories is polluting the air. As a result, ...
Environment, 2 pages
2020 09 22
Positive and negative effects of social media
Positive and negative effects of social media.
Social Media, 3 pages
2020 12 08
Premature Birth essay
Any birth that takes places before the 37th week of pregrancy is considered premature. Depending on how early the baby was born he or she may be late preterm (34-36weeks), moderately preterm (32-34weeks), very preterm (32weeks) or extremely ...
Medicine, 1 page
2021 01 14
Presentation for natural disaster
Indonesia is lying on the ‚Ring of Fire” and experiences a high frequency of earthquakes and about 127 volcanoes. One of these volcanoes is Anak Krakatau (means Child of Krakatau), that is an active volcano. On 22 December 2018, it erupted, ...
Geography, 1 page
2019 10 01
Private and state human service
These days many individuals battle with medical issues. There are a few choices where people can get treatment. One of the most successive alternatives where individuals request help is private human services centers. Others go to general ...
Biology, 1 page
2019 10 06
Private school essay
If you can not decide where to send your child to study, private school is a great option. Almost from their birth you begin to consider where your child will spend their school years. Knowing that their education is more than just filling their ...
Education, 1 page
2020 06 08
Private, public healthcare
Nowadays a lot of people fight with health problems. There are several options where humans can get treatment. One of the most frequent options where people ask for help is private health care clinics. Others go to public health institutions. ...
Biology, 1 page
2019 10 06
Profession of a police officer essay
Hello. Today, I will be talking about the profession of a police officer and what it means to be a police officer in today’s society. I believe that in the current state our society is in, it is absolutely essential that we have strong, fit, ...
Law, 1 page
2021 06 11
Pros and cons living in a big city essay
Nowadays a lot of people say that living in a big city is stressful while others believe that it is exciting. So I’m going to give my opinion about some pros and cons living in a big city,On the one hand, there are several positive ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2022 05 14
Pros and cons of being a teenager essay
Although being a teenager looks like a dream come true, it still has some disadvantages. A teenager, however qualified and brilliant he may be, is supposed to lack experience and maturity. On this ground, he is usually denied opportunities of ...
Psichology, 1 page
2022 06 05
Pros and Cons of computers essay
A computer is a small and powerful tool for a human.These days many people use them daily and computers are really important in our life . Unfortunately, it brings not only benefits but also harms that you need to be aware of.Firstly, one ...
Devices & Hardware, 1 page
2022 05 30
Pros and cons of knowing a foreign language essay
Pros and cons of knowing a foreign language essay.
Education, 1 page
2022 06 08
Pros and cons of living in the big city
On the downside, living in a big city sometimes causes trouble, for instance traffic jams, parking problems, air pollution. Firstly, transport is an essential part of urban life.Every day you have to spend your time in congestion, because it is ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2022 04 08
Pros and cons of locally grown food essay
Nowadays, more and more people are trying to eat healthier, resist fast-food, cook homemade food by buying locally grown food. Unfortunately, locally grown food has its advantages and disadvantages.Firstly, local food can benefit the ...
Food, 1 page
2020 06 10
Pros and cons of mobile phones
Nevertheless, it may be argued that mobile phones can bring some disadvantages too. It could be often claimed that one of the main disadvantages of the mobile phones is the accessibility of them. This is clearly illustrated by the fact, that most ...
Communication, 1 page
2022 04 08
Pros and cons of online learning
The COVID-19 virus pandemic forced change everywhere, businesses had to be closed down, concerts were banned and it made staying at home necessary. And so students had to leave their desks at school and get used to learning without leaving their ...
Education, 1 page
2022 04 06
Pros and cons of the Covid-19 outbreak
All world knows by now that there is pandemic called Coronavirus. Almost every country went in to a lockdown. People has to stay and work from home, students has online school. The only ones how are going to work are essential workers and ...
Biology, 1 page
2021 02 05
Pros and cons of TV essay
We converse with different individuals from various nations about their frames of mind about TV. Does TV teach or animate? On the other hand, it is a medication or sedative used to control the populace. There are a few perspectives, for example, ...
Marketing, 1 page
2019 10 26