Essay On Vegetarianism

Essay on vegetarianism: What are benefits and drawbacks of vegetarianism. What does it mean to be a vegetarian?
Nowadays many people believe that vegetarianism is associated with healthy food: vegetables and fruit. Main feature of vegetarianism is refusing of meat products. This nutrition is the healthiest but it has both pluses and minuses.
To begin with, vegetables and fruit which vegetarians eat a lot of are rich in vitamins and minerals. They strengthen the immune system, protėt against cancer. Vegetarians update much faster their body with energy. Less cardiac and vascular diseases, diabetes. Meat has very much cholesterol. Vegetarians are slim and healthie than meat lovers.
On the other hand, long term vegetarianism causes deficincy of iron, zinc, calcium and other important vitamins. Most vegetarians are not over weitgt but do not forget that eating a lot of high calore vegetable products nuts, honey, beans can gain weight. Eating the same vegetable products protein impoverish, may dvelop protein deficiently. Long – term protein stavacion can result in death.