Essay On Friendship

Essay on Friendship.
I really like sport, nature and art, but those things don't matter on my decision to choose friends. But if I really must to choose personality of »people who I like« and »people who I don't like«, then I choose like this. I like people who are friendly, trustworthy, nice, kind, confident, fair, funny, hard-working, honest, intelligent, optimistic or just realistic, patient, pleasant, polite, smart, successful, adventurous, brave, rebiable, sympatetich and outgoing; for example someone who like to help peoplr and it's really friendly and fair. I don't like people who are selfish, unkind, arogant, boring, cold, dishonest, lazy, mean, clumsy, rude and bossy; for example someone who it's selfish and don't want to help others.