Essay About Friendship: The Essential Truths Of Friendship

The Essential Truths of Friendship.
So the video was about friendships and how to find new friends. Catherine which co-founded myYearbook knows a lot about friends and friendships. So in the video, she was comparing online conversations through Facebook and conversations in person. Catherine told everyone why finding new friends or people on Facebook just doesn‘t feel and isn‘t right. She told her own and brother story about how hard it was for them to find new friends because they were „the new kids“ in their school and also how they got an idea and co-founded myYearbook. Next, a girl from the video talked about that friendship is serendipitous. Serendipitous gives the person a spark of chemistry and separates people who have the potential to drastically change his life. And told that all the spark needs are to the timing to be right. Told that meeting apps don‘t make serendipitous because it's really hard to do.