Essay About Decisions In Life

The Most Important Decisions in the Person’s Life.
Let's say I offer you this game - I flip a coin and if it lands on heads, you give me 4 euros. But if it lands on tails, I will give you 5 euros. In that case, you will probably choose to play the game. Although you have a 50% chance of winning, on average you will win one euro every two rolls. Now, let's say I offer you to raise stakes - now, if you win, I will give you €10,000, and if I win you will give me €9998. In that case, most people will refuse to play the game. And, in fact, the playing conditions have not deteriorated in the slightest, but rather the opposite - now, on average, every two rolls, you will no longer win one euro, but two. So why do people choose not to play when the conditions change? It is because when there is a lot of money at stake, people start to think more about what will happen if they lose, rather than what could happen if they would win. And even though it is just a game, such decisions happen in everyone's life. One of those decisions is whether to go to university. And if so, should one limit oneself to a bachelor's degree or strive for a master's?