English Test Unit 6

Seafood. prawns. Tinned Food. baked beans. Pasta & Rice spaghetti. Baking. flour. Confectionery. sweets. Bakery bagel. Snacks. crackers. Beverages. coffee. Dairy milk. Meat & Poultry. chicken.

7Complete the text by filling in the gaps with: remedies, habitats, benefits, vessels, poisoning, reaction, area, problems, ground, vinegar.

2There is no evidence to ...... claims that this diet helps you lose weight.

7I hope the doctor has a ...... to my problem.

10Isaac cut his hand so Miriam had to dress the ...... right away.

2There is no proof EVIDENCE that genetically modified foods are unsafe.

3We shop at the market because the vegetables are very cheap INEXPENSIVE there.

4I find the study of herbal medicine quite fascinating. INTERESTING

2It’s hot, so make sure you drink a lot of water! You don’t want to pass out/down.

  • Languages Tests
  • Microsoft Word 373 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 7 pages (1356 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Eliza
  • English test unit 6
    10 - 2 votes
English test unit 6 . (November 30, 2020). https://documents.exchange/english-test-unit-6/ Reviewed on 14:09, March 6 2025