English Essay About Grandparenting

English essay about grandparenting.
J.Well, it was ok I guess, but I didn't visit my grandparents, although I probably should some time soon. Oh by the way, speaking about grandparents, I talked to Rachel and she said that this year she has been spending a lot of time at her grandparents house.
J.Yeah, and her parents are quite happy because Rachel's grandparents give her money which really helps them out financially.
J.Well, for example, they usually give her extra pocket money and sometimes even pay for after-school practices or school trips, so they really do help out financially, don't you agree?
V.Parents may not have room for the number of items purchased by the grandparents and the grandparents' gifts outshine the parents' gifts.
J.I don't think so, not everyones grandparents can allow themselvs to buy expensive things, certainly not Rachel's.