Endangered Animal Species

Endangered animal species! Tarzano chameleonas. Tarzan Chameleon found in the in humid place forest. Vėpsaėdis. Spalva labai įvairuoja. Patino galva pilka, patelės kiek išmarginta.
Tarzan Chameleon found in the in humid place forest, from how much more than 10 square kilometers area near Tarzanvilio village in Eastern Madaskare. Population size is unknown. The greatest threat to the population of these animals lydiminė farming and deforestation. Tarzano chameleonas aptinkamas mažame lopinėlyje drėgnajame miške, iki kiek didesniame nei 10 kvadratinių kilometrų plote, netoli Tarzanvilio kaimo rytų Madaskare.
- Biology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1864 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 6 pages (185 words)
- School
- Karolis
Endangered animal species. (October 28, 2016). https://documents.exchange/endangered-animal-species/ Reviewed on 16:30, March 6 2025