Education System In Germany

Germany education system. Contents. School’s Grade Higher Educational Program Facts. Kindergarten. At this level of education children are rather to mature socially than academically. Grundschule. (Elementary School). Starting at the age of 6, German kids are enrolled in the Grundschule. Secondary School. Secondary education is. Hauptschule. Hauptschule is one of the four different progressing schools. Realschule. German students attending Realschule receive a higher level of education. Gymnasium. Students who are. Gesamtschule. (comprehensive school). This type of. Berufsfachschule. (professional school). After the students take the 1st phase of the secondary level. Univeritet. Most of the German universities are public institutions. Higher Educational Program. There are several. In Germany there. The Hochbegabtenstudium ("College for the. Thanks for your attention!

Starting at the age of 6, German kids are enrolled in the Grundschule.

Hauptschule is one of the four different progressing schools.

Students who are to be over performed more than average and intend to study at a university usually choose Gymnasium after Grundschule.

This type of comprehensive school has establish itself for the last 25 years of German educational system because of political reforms.

After the students take the 1st phase of the secondary level, they proceed to the 2nd phase.

There are several types of higher educational institution: universität (university) hochschule (college) fachhochschule (university of applied sciences) technische universität (technical university.

  • Education Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 12435 KB
  • 2017 m.
  • English
  • 15 pages (310 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Arnas
  • Education System in Germany
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Education System in Germany. (March 5, 2017). Reviewed on 16:51, March 6 2025