Eating Disorder

What causes bulimia. Some of the main causes for bulimia include. An individual suffering from anorexia nervosa may reveal one or several signs and symptoms such as. Anorexia causes many physical complications and health problems. What causes bulimia? Some of the main causes for bulimia include. When person living with bulimia, his are putting their body—and even life—at risk. This is how bulimia can affect person whole body. An individual suffering from anorexia nervosa may reveal one or several signs and symptoms such as. Anorexia causes many physical complications and health problems. Treatment. The most important thing to understand that you have to take care of your body and you have to eat if you want to be energetic.
I‘m going to talk about eating disorder. Eating disorder -- such as anorexia, bulimia - are serious emotional and physical problems that can have life-threatening consequences for females and males. Interesting to know, sufferers from eating disorders named them with names: Anorexia is Ana, bulimia is Mia.
When person living with bulimia, his are putting their body—and even life—at risk. This is how bulimia can affect person whole body:
HAIR/SKIN. Dry skin and lips, thin hair, brittle nails, intolerance to cold
HEART. Poor circulation, irregular or slow heart beat, low pressure
TREATMENT. However, the cycle of eating disorder can be broken. With the right help and support, person can develop a healthier relationship with food, overcome them feelings of anxiety, guilt, and shame, and regain control of your life. It can be hard to talk about what they’re going through, especially if person have kept his disorder a secret for a long time.
- Health & Nutrition Individual works
- Microsoft Word 17 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 2 pages (628 words)
- Gymnasium
- Morta