Domestic Policies And Their Impact

Domestic Policies And Their Impact. Land Reform. Land Reform. Mariage Law Reform. How Marriage Reform Changed During This Period. Combat Illiteracy Campaign. Results Of Literacy Campaign. The First Five-Year Plan Production Results Of The First Five-Year Plan. Results Of The First Five-Year Plan. Hundred Flowers Campaign. The Great Leap Forward Production Of Manufactured Goods Production Figures Of The Great Leap Foward. Results Of The Great Leap Forward. Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 1966 This propaganda poster promotes the importance of the Little Red Book. Resources.

Percentages of families in China in different types of co-operative farms.

Posters try to represent "A happy marriage, a happy family", but it all was propaganda, none of this happened the way they tried to show.  This Reform made a lot of people believe that its notion was "Free love", but with free comes disloyalty and unhappiness. .

Investments were made around different sectors to accumulate national wealth Key resources were Steel and coal for the mass industrialization to succeed.

Heavy and light industry were the most important things to produce Heavy industry for creating and building new machinery Light industry for the daily necessities of the people.

The plan was a major sucess with most production targets being met and some being over fulfilled National income grew and urban life became a lot better By January 1956, all private businesses had been converted to stated-owned enterprises Food shortages started becoming apparent. Emphasis on quantity over quality and incompetent workforce          meant that factories weren't fully utilized to their full effect .

"Criticism of the bureaucracy is pushing the government towards better".

Initial production figures of the GLF in 1958 were astounding with double the steel and coal production and 40% more electricity generated However, the entirety of the GLF was a complete disaster The focus on steel production in communes contributed to the famine of 1959-1960 (20-50 million deaths) because agriculture production started to rapidly decline Mao periodically had to step down as State Chairman in 1959 The failure of the GLF pretty much led to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

  • Sociology Presentations
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  • Domestic Policies And Their Impact
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Domestic Policies And Their Impact. (January 18, 2021). Reviewed on 13:41, March 6 2025