Debate: Capital Punishment Is Justifiable

Debate: capital punishment is justifiable.
We believe that we should start with Lithuania. Voting is a serious thing and we need to make everything perfect. In 2016 voting to elect the parliament of Lithuania, only 50% people voted. So we need to double that. We want that all the citizens of Lithuania would vote. We would introduce it as a law, which says that voting is oblygatory for all people, from age 18. Everyone who wouldn't vote would be punished with a fine of 1000€. We believe that everyone has to vote, and that is the only way to make people vote.
So we would introduce this law to terrorists and murderers who kills innocent people. To be sure that country won’t punish an innocent person we are offering to introduce a trial for the suspect while justice goes deeper in suspect’s case. OK we want to define what kind of capital punishment we offer. Our team offers to commit capital punishments by injections. It is both cheap and effective. For example Ohio used the two drugs, which cost a total of $10.60 and compared to life-long imprisonment which costs about 20K $ a year.
- Languages Description
- Microsoft Word 14 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 3 pages (1121 words)
- Gymnasium
- Vilte