Country Report

472 71 472. Nominal per capita GDP. Per capita GDP ppp. Local currency central african cfa frank central african cfa frank. – Cameroon’s Competitiveness Index 2013. Rank out of 148 Score. – Cameroon’s GCI graph and comparison with Portugal. GDP per capita GDPpcppp Index of openness Exports Imports Trade Balance Total. Unemployment Rate GDPpcppp Growth Rate in the decade Inflation Rate HDI ranking. – Economy , Finances , Technology and Human Development. – Trade structure. Agricultural and food products Wine. Spain 23 France 11 Germany. Member countries date of accession. ( Is or Was ) a member date of accession ) ( Nota member. Human and labour rights instruments. ( Convention signed or ratified ( Convention not yet ratified or signed. Women’s political participation. Corruption Perception Index CPI –. Score 2013 Score. – Main Conclusions.

Environmental fossil fuels(2014) is higher by 48,1 values in Portugal Discussing commitment towards health and risks, Cameroon had lower-grade values. Life expectancy at birth was 55,1 years and Mother Mortality Ratio was 690 while in Portugal it was 79,9 years and 8 deaths.

Cameroon’s Competitiveness Index rank is 116 out of 148 countries this year. The three most problematic factors for doing business are corruption, access to financing, tax regulations. Comparing Cameroon’s and Portugal’s pillars of competitiveness, it can be noticed that Cameroon has a worse results in all pillars. Portugal has an enormous advantage in all pillars.

Both countries participate in international organizations, such as: World Bank, IMF, UN, Furthermore, women’s political participation is allowed in both countries. In Cameroon , Corruption Perception Index reached 26 points in 2012. Last year, there was a slight dicrease by 1 point and the rank was 25 out of 175 countries.

On the whole, it is seen that economy of Cameroon is growing Meanwhile, Portugal has higher score in HDI and Competitiveness Index. Both countries provide service mostly and its export destination is European Union.

3 or 4 images representing the country or its typical way of life, chosen among 5 subjects:

Urban life, economic activity, civil society, projects and operations, poverty reduction, other aspects

  • Economy & Finance Projects
  • Microsoft Word 376 KB
  • 2016 m.
  • Lithuanian
  • 11 pages (1446 words)
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  • Country report
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Country report. (October 25, 2016). Reviewed on 13:11, March 6 2025