Christmas Celebration In Different Countries

Christmas Celebration in Different Countries. Christmas is. One of the. Lithuania. In Lithuania there. After lithuanians finish. Great Britain. English people don’t have a lot of Christmas Eve customs. There is no special dinner on Christmas Eve. France. In France or other French-speaking countries. Serbia. In Serbia, orthodox celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar. In ancient times. Netherlands. Christmas in Holland is celebrated quietly. Norway. Norwegian people believe in mystical creatures during Christmas. Norwegians have an. Thank you for your attention! Sources of information.
One of the biggest feast over the world. But all countries don‘t celebrate it by the same way – they have their own customs and traditions. So today I‘m going to show you some customs of different countries.
In Lithuania there is an Advent period, which starts from the fourth Sunday before Christmas Eve and lasts until this day. In the Christmas Eve, lithuanians with their family members sits together and eats supper. Before supper, everyone have to stand up and pray. When they finish, they share a scone and eat it. Then they can eat their supper. According to traditions, there have to be 12 meals on the table. There can’t be any meat or chocolate. Under the tablecloth, lithuanians put some hay.
After lithuanians finish their supper, then it’s time for spells. There are a lot of traditional spells about future life, next years, etc. After spells, some lithuanians put presents under the Christmas tree in the evening, but some of them put presents, when everyone are asleep. In the Christmas morning, children go to see, what they got. After that, all family members eat their full breakfast and then go to church.
- Religion & Spirituality Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 4733 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 24 pages (741 words)
- Gymnasium
- Augustė