China's Financial System

China's financial system. List of 20 most relevant words used in the article.
Neither creditable nor co-operative China's financial system in trouble in the country as well as in the cities
List of 20 most relevant words used in the article:
4. Loan – Paskola - (money that an organization such as a bank lends and somebody borrows)Synonim - Lend
7. Enterprise – Įmonė - (a company or business)Synonim - Company
8. Co-operatives – Kooperatyvai - (community-focused businesses that balance people, planet and profit.)Synonim - Federation
9. Shareholders – Akcininkai - (an owner of shares in a company or business)Synonim - Investors
10. Rural – Kaimo/Kaimiškas (connected with or like the countryside)Synonim - Countryside
12. Borrowers – Skolininkai - (a person or an organization that borrows money, especially from a bank)Synonim - Lenders
19. Reform – Reforma - (change that is made to a social system, an organization)Synonim - Amend
20. Financial – Finansinis - (connected with money and finance)Synonim – Monetary
How many loans and deposits were accounted for by co-operatives last year?
What prompted the government to intervene to prevent a wider financial crisis?
In the article ‘Neither creditable nor co-operative‘, the reporter, who remains unknown, describes the problem of China’s finance system. First, the reporter states that within the towns, the as it were formal keeping money teach are what are known as country credit co-operatives. However, the co-operatives stay an enormous portion of China's monetary framework. In the event that, as the government claims, the credit co-operatives are starting to turn a benefit after six years of misfortunes, it is not since they are any superior run. Second, the reporter is informed that around 30% of the co-operatives' credits are non-performing, which could be a preservationist gauge the co-operatives themselves are not totally to fault. At the time of their division, the Rural Bank of China kept numerous of the superior borrowers, generally productive provincial endeavors, on its claim books and cleared out the co-operatives with the rest. Zhang Yuanhong of the Chinese Foundation of Social Sciences says that about 30% of the co-operatives' credits are non-performing, which could be a preservationist estimate. In the final part, the reporter emphasises that the government is on edge to maintain a strategic distance from any move that would cause agriculturists to surge to pull back their reserve funds. When they do, the central bank comes to help. The arrangement may include a blend of approaches, from commercial keeping money within the wealthier regions close to the eastern seaboard to really co-operative educate in poorer districts. Summing up, the writer concludes that efforts need to be made to put the management system in order.
- Economy & Finance Home works
- Microsoft Word 29 KB
- 2022 m.
- English
- 4 pages (1568 words)
- College
- Karamele