Business Development For Dane-ish

Executive summary. Idea Introduction. Value Proposition. Target Group. Realism (implementing). Partners. Vision. Mission. Organization Values. Goals (smart). Introduction to the company and product. Legal guidance. Transport. Accommodation. Jobs. Travel. Events. Shopping. News. Description of the creative process. Business Model Canvas. Methodological reflections. Methodological reflections on the choice of theories. Methodological reflections on the choice of empirical data. External and Internal Analysis. External Analysis. Pestel. Stakeholder theory. Positioning Chart. Internal Analysis. Kano Model. Service Blueprint. Value Proposition Canvas. Swot/tows analysis. Swot analysis. Tows analysis. Sales and Marketing plan including goals. Organization. Business Development. Budgets and finance. Startup Budget. Operating Budget. Cash-flow. Contingency planning. Prototype. List of Literature.
This project summarizes the processes leading to an introduction of an app for new coming people to Denmark. The assignment includes the data collection, goals of the project, both internal and external analysis, and budgeting. The project implementation is going to be rather challenging, mostly because of its financial demands, which are rather high. The process of creating the app took multiple turns as we were getting feedback from multiple sides, such as teachers and the judges at the Danish Entrepreneurship Awards.
The main idea of the app is to give some help to people who were brave enough to leave their country of origin and settle here in Denmark. We found some flaws in the process that can become much more pleasant and can help the whole settling down calmer. The problem now is that all the information needed for successful immigration is shattered all over the internet and a big part of it is not even translated into English. This is what we aim to change.
The app is going to start with two categories that we consider most important, and that is legal guidance and transportation.
In legal guidance, we want to sum up the processes, that newcomers have to undertake in order to legally stay in Denmark. This includes the residence permits, CPR number, bank account information and alike.
In the transportation category, we want to explain how to get around in Denmark and acquire the correct travel cards or papers, depending on whether someone has to travel far or short and if they are doing it on a regular basis.
Today Denmark is one of the most popular countries to study in — it is number 7 out of all the European countries. According to, there are around 24,000 international students in Denmark in 2019.
As internationals, we have faced a lot of different struggles and made some mistakes after coming to Denmark, which made some of us think that it is too hard, and we cannot settle down here. Since it was so frustrating, we wondered what would happen if there was something that could help us go through all the processes faster and more efficiently, something that gives us all the information step-by-step. That is how our idea of making a mobile application that was born.
We want to help foreigners that start their new episode of life in Denmark to become a part of the Danish community faster. In our App, foreigners can find all the needed information about legal processes, accommodation, transport, and job. Later, we will add cheap travel deals, events in the Copenhagen area, local news and discounts.
- Business & Entrepreneurship Projects
- Microsoft Word 1865 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 36 pages (8425 words)
- College
- Monika