Business Analysis Assesment 1

Christ church business school ba bsc. YEAR Foundation 3 Delete as appropriate. Student id candidate number. St submission reassessment delete as appropriate.

Accepting the tender for an emergency services firm for £20,000 a weekend would cost the same as a typical four-day weekend, while still saving money on potential incidents on following days, regardless of the fact there is a 32% risk of accidents.

The aim of this report is to explore the significance of hypothesis testing and its importance. I will also be discussing the results presented in the table and how they were achieved. In order to achieve my results, I had to choose the most appropriate statistical test, calculate the standard deviation and mean. A hypothesis test compares two irreconcilable claims about a population to see which is supported by the sample data the better. Hypothesis testing is used to see whether there is sufficient statistical evidence to support a particular belief. In this instant I used the two-z test to explore the hypothesis that investment B outperforms A. The two z-test was used because it needs two normally distributed but independent populations in the table.

In order to conduct this investigation, I decided that the best qualitative methods I should use were surveys, observation and online focus groups. To begin my investigation during the Sunday service, surveys will be passed out at the end of service enquiring about the current status of attending church, their views and opinions on the church environment and culture will be used for my final results for the pastor. I chose surveys for those attending church because they would all be in one place meaning it will be less time consuming to obtain results. The equipment needed is also inexpensive. Surveys also offer a very practical way of collecting information they can be aimed at a specific groups and handled in a variety of ways. I have complete control over the questions that are posed and also the layout, purposely asking open-ended or multiple choice question to get the best results.

  • Accounting Home works
  • Microsoft Word 84 KB
  • 2022 m.
  • English
  • 4 pages (1220 words)
  • University
  • Business
  • Business analysis assesment 1
    10 - 3 votes
Business analysis assesment 1. (April 29, 2022). Reviewed on 14:09, March 6 2025