Beowulf Project

Beowulf. Background. Written in Old. Summary. Danish king Hrothgar angers a horrible demon Grendel. Beowulf returns home He becomes the king of the Geats. The text of Beowulf. Beowulf in Old English. Reading task.
Danish king Hrothgar angers a horrible demon Grendel; Grendel starts killing Hrogarth's people; Geatish warrior Beowulf decides to help the king; Beowulf defeats Grendel in a fight; Grendel's mother avenges for her son's death but is killed by Beowulf;.
Beowulf returns home; He becomes the king of the Geats; Beowulf rules the country successfully; A dragon attacks the Geats; Beowulf defeats it but dies from its poisonous bite.
- Literature Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 6 KB
- 2021 m.
- English
- 7 pages (131 words)
- University
- Justina