Battle Of Luxury Cars Essay

Battle of luxury cars. Who will be on top? Dream cars take Mercedes Benz to top of luxury chart. BMW unveils dynamic 7 Series flagship sedan. Audi Considering Ultra-Luxury A8 to Fight Mercedes-Maybach. References.
Mercedes Benz is leader of the luxury cars ir the world with their own Mercedes Benz Maybach models. It is the most luxurie type of vehicle which was started to sale in and till now no body made better car than Mercedes Benz. At the sales of model Maybach s600 where jumped to the 57%. The main reason why this car became popular all other the world - the „The Dream class portfolio“. This model has all new generation operations which makes this car on top of luxurious. Few other companies trying to compare with Mercedes Benz, but director says, that for Mercedes – this is not the end.
Wireless – connection that does not deppends on wires to care the signals.
BMW are creating new, sixth generation luxury 7 sieries sedan witch will compere with legendarious Mercedes Benz Maybach. Companie said, new BMW will have many new functions which will give car higher luxurious level. Such things like wireless phone charging, ability control menu wth hand gestures, independant parking and other new things. The Europian models will be more developed then US models. But in the nearest future will have simillar options like EU models.
Audi comporation is one of the three concurents in luxury cars manufacturing. To compare the leader Mercedes Benz Maybach, Audi creating new model A8 with longer wheelbase and more luxury fetures. Also they are wondering to make coupe and convertable models. Audi directors thinks if Mercedes became popular with long base model, why they cant be on same line-up in the future. New operations will be includet and represented in new models.