Basics Of Financial Accounting

Account. Accounting. Attributes of Accounting. Functions. Users of Accounting Information. Branches of Accounting. Advantages. Limitations. Accounting Terminology. Basis of Accounting. Cash basis. Basis of Accounting. System of Accounting. Classification of Accounts. Types of Accounts. Rules of Double Entry System. Accounting cycle. Accounting Concepts. Accounting Conventions. Source Documents. Journal. Proforma of Journal. Items in Journal. Points to be noted before journalising. Advantages of Journal. Ledger. Proforma of Ledger. Posting of ledger. Trial Balance. Errors. Disagreement of the Trial Balance. Subsidiary Books.
- Accounting Presentations
- Microsoft Word 42 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 47 pages (2543 words)
- University
- Kriste2015