Bamoa Island Essay

Bamoa island.
Hello, my name is Kattie and I am 25 years old. I am from Bamoa Island. Bamoa island, which is situated in the Pacific Ocean. The population in Bamoa is about 100 000 people and the average life expectancy is about 75 years.
The island is extremely green, so it is often called ‘green island‘ by the tourists who come to visit it.
Also, the island can boast about crystal clear ocean water and golden sand beaches, which are untouched by human activity and pollution.
The most popular tourist attraction is the Sua Trench. It is a pristine ocean water pit surrounded by much greenery. To get to the Sua Trench, you have to climb down the ladder until you reach a wooden platform. Then you can enjoy a swim in warm, tropical water.
Another unique attraction in Bamoa is the Giant Clam Conservatory. This is a natural conservatory, out in the open ocean. You can rent a snorkel and swim out over the coral reef to the Giant Clams. You can see tropical fish and turtles. The Giant Clam Conservatory is one of the best things to explore in Samoa.