
21 document
What is Astronomy?
Astronomy - is the science of the stars, space, galaxies, planets, asteroids, comets, etc. Investigates extraterrestrial objects in the sky, structure, origin, development, position in the sky, movement. Pythagoras found that the Earth is a ...
Astronomy, 10 pages
2016 01 23
Exploring the universe presentation
Exploring the universe. If you were. Content. The Universe The observable. How big is the Universe? Is There a Multiverse? How Did the Universe Originate. The fastest man-made object. Bugatti Veyron. The Farthest probes. Voyager 1 ~. Voyager. ...
Astronomy, 18 pages
2020 04 09
Ikonos satelite presentation
Ikonos. Ikonos satelite characteristics. Ikonos camera telescope. Panchromatic and multispectral ikona‘s pictures. Ikonos satelites pictures use for. Sports and tourism. Natural disasters. Cadastry. Defense and intelligence. Historical events. ...
Astronomy, 16 pages
2019 01 10
Mercury slides
Mercury. Content. Short information about Mercury Surface Mariner Messenger Mercury statistics Facts about Mercury planet. Mercury is the second smallest planet in the Solar System. Short information about Mercury. The surface of. Surface. ...
Astronomy, 16 pages
2020 07 12
Misconception: Meteors are falling stars
Misconception. Meteors are falling starsNovelty Interest DescriptionBackground – Meteroids and how they became meteors. Hitting atmosphere.
Astronomy, 2 pages
2018 03 17
Neptune and Pluto presentation
Neptune and Pluto. Pluto and Neptunes relationship. Despite Pluto's orbit appearing to cross that of Neptune when viewed from directly above. Pluto - is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Pluto‘s structure. Orbital characteristics. Synodic ...
Astronomy, 14 pages
2018 10 04
Planet Neptune presentation
The planet of Neptune. Introduction. Neptune is the eighth and last planet from the Sun of the Solar System. History. The first who sighted Neptune was Galileo. Location. Neptune is next. Temperature. At it‘s surface, where the clouds of the ...
Astronomy, 13 pages
2020 06 08
Pluto planet presentation
Pluto. What is Pluto? Pluto (minor-planet designation 134340 Pluto) is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Pluto's discovery. Pluto was discovered. What is Pluto like? Pluto is primarily. Plutos’s moons. Pluto has five known moons Charon (the ...
Astronomy, 10 pages
2019 06 24
Solar system presentation
The solar system. WThe sun and the planets. The sun. The sun is a star. Over one million Earths can cover the Sun. Mercury. Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun. There‘s no life on it. Venus. Venus is the. Earth. Earth is a. Mars. Mars is ...
Astronomy, 10 pages
2019 09 12
Space Exploration project
Space exploration. Discoveries. Van allen radiation belt. Exoplanets. Moons/natural satellites in the solar system. Astronauts and facilities. Astronaut training (in general). Space agencies and their missions. Space equipment. Space stations. ...
Astronomy, 13 pages
2022 02 06
Space geodesy
Vilnius college of technologies and design. Space geodezy. List of resources Space geodezy. Introduction. What is cosmic geodesy. GPS receivers. The GPS satellites. Access System SA. Conclusions. List of resources.
Astronomy, 8 pages
2018 10 04
Stephen Hawking slides
Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking Childhood. He born on. Received a bachelor's degree and stayed to study astronomy. He was all paralyzed, he can only speak. Stephen Hawking discoveries. British physicist. Black Hole. He wrote 4 books. „A Brief ...
Astronomy, 13 pages
2018 10 04
The Solar System Jupiter presentation
Project work. The Solar System. Jupiter. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. Facts about Jupiter Jupiter has the Great Red Spot. Surrounding Jupiter is a faint planetary ring system and a powerful ...
Astronomy, 7 pages
2022 03 31
Will we need another five planets?
Today our society is the most prosperous and dynamic that the world has ever created, but it has a huge impact on the environment. People have used so much of the Earth’s resources that the ecological footprint is huge. Alex Steffen in his ...
Astronomy, 1 page
2018 12 31
Moon slides: Facts about the moon
Facts about the moon. The Moon’s surface is actually dark. From EARTH. The most widely-accepted. There is water in the MOON. This is the. Volcanoes. There were once activate volcanoes on the Moon.
Astronomy, 6 pages
2022 05 16
NASA astronaut Mae Carol Jemison
NASA astronaut Mae Carol Jemison. American engineer, physician, and former NASA astronaut. "Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. Mae Jemison. Education. Born in Alabama. Astronaut life. As NASA ...
Astronomy, 8 pages
2022 05 18
Galaxies and the Universe
Galaxies and the Universe. What Are Galaxies? Greek galax = milk William Herschel, 1783 A disk with the Sun slightly off-center. Th Century “Spiral Nebulae” Nearby. Where Are We in our Galaxy? The visible Milky. Galaxies and Globular ...
Astronomy, 41 page
2016 11 17
Living on the Moon
Living On The Moon. How to breathe on the Moon. Where to sleep on the Moon. Food to eat on the Moon. Keeping clean on the Moon. The Social and Environmental Costs and Benefits of living on the Moon. Where to go the bathroom. on the Moon. What to ...
Astronomy, 9 pages
2017 02 23
Neptune. Contet. About Neptune Neptune symbol Johan Gotfryd Galle Neptune’s color Internal structure Planetary rings. About Neptune. Neptune - the planet one of the sun system. Neptune symbol. Named after the. Johan Gotfryd Galle. Johan Gotfryd ...
Astronomy, 10 pages
2015 05 17
Outer Space
Outer space. What is space? Outer Space means space lying beyond the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. Stars, planets and asteroids. Radiation is one. Stars.  Stars (like our. Planets. We have eight planets in our Solar System. Asteroids are ...
Astronomy, 10 pages
2016 12 15
Solar System
The Solar System. Star 9 8 planets 63 (major) moons asteroids, comets, meteoroids. How are planet sizes determined? Measure angular size on sky, Then use geometry. The distances to. Using angular size to get actual size. Masses - determined. ...
Astronomy, 23 pages
2015 05 21