Are School And Teachers Responsible For Low Grades?

Are school and teachers responsible for low grades?
Education in these days is really important not only for children but also for adults. Without secondary education, career opportunities decrease a big amount. From the first days at school parents usually emphasizes that education is a mandatory for successful life and children who gets low grades is called bad students. But main question is who is really responsible for students low grades – schools, teachers or others?
First of all, teachers are qualified experts and their job is really important. They not only have to understand the subject themselves but also have to have the ability to convey information to others. How students can learn the information lies not only on teachers but also on themselves. Some students are lazy and they only care about having fun and not sitting at home studying. Lack of motivation is the main reason why they are having bad grades. Some teachers try to motivate students but it can not affect everyone so we should not blame teachers.