App Based Device Controlling System

Abstract. App Based Device Controlling System. Introduction. Related work. Proposed work (architectureResults. Conclusions. Futurework.

Today’s era is such where automation plays a vital role in human life. This not only reduces human efforts but also makes their life simpler and easier to live. Class automation or cabin automation will allow the students as well as the teachers to control electrical appliances like fan, light, projector, etc. The main purpose of the project is to avoid the wastage of electricity in VIT University. It can also be used by the teachers to control the devices in their cabins and prevent wastage of power during their lecture hours. This can prevent high expenditure on electricity and make our campus more environment friendly and energy efficient.

M Tazil and R.Piyare made use of cell phone, Arduino and remote control, Bluetooth for home automation.

VikasVatsand and Upendra Kumar discuss the implementation of smart temperature-based fan control using P.L.C software RS Logix 500 and a temperature sensor.

A similar system is proposed, where MdMozasserRahman, MohdFahrulRadzi Bin Zakariaand ShahrulNa’imSidek propose the construction of a smart table fan using LM35, PIR sensor and Arduino Mega.

Paper elucidates the applications of IoT in making smart buildings. IoT based system architectures are increasingly being used in making buildings of such institutions efficient by providing automatic remote controlled access to certain authenticated admins in the building.

  • Software Analysis
  • Microsoft Word 14 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 2 pages (640 words)
  • College
  • Viktorija
  • App Based Device Controlling System
    10 - 2 votes
App Based Device Controlling System. (October 4, 2018). Reviewed on 13:38, March 6 2025