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6900 documents
Paper about „Apple“ Information Technology Company
Introduction. About the company. History. The essence of the project. Marketing mix. Production plan. People and action plan. Financial plan. Evaluation of risks. Benefits of apple phone. Conclusion. References.
Business & Entrepreneurship, 19 pages
2019 03 25
Essay: What kind of products should be eaten by young people every day? Give reasons for your choices
What kind of products should be eaten by young people every day? Give reasons for your choices.
Biology, 1 page
2019 03 25
Presentation about Money
Money. You need to. Parents should teach children how to use money when child is young. One of the. Know a. Macaulay Culkin became. So money is not bad if you use it wisely. Thank you for attention.
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2019 03 24
Action plan report for improving the airport’s services essay
Action plan report for improving the airport’s services.
Transport, 2 pages
2019 03 23
Presentation about Mercedes Benz
Mercedes-Benz. Content. What’s Mercedes-Benz? Products History Founders One of the first Mercedes-Benz automobile Logo history. It’s a German global automobile brand and a division of Daimler AG. Products. Automobiles Trucks Buses Internal ...
Transport, 9 pages
2019 03 22
Presentation about Weather idioms
Weather idioms. Break the ice. Meaning to get a conversation started in a social situation. To be under the weather. Meaning to feel. Calm before the storm. Meaning a quiet and peaceful time before something with great activity or difficulty ...
Ecology, 7 pages
2019 03 22
Presentation about Healthy living
Healthy living. Fruits. Banana Apple Grapes Kiwi Oranges Pear. Dairy products. Cheese Butter Eggs Milk Sour cream Curd. Vegetables. Cabbage Carrots Onions Peppers Potatoes Tomatoes. Meat. Beef Chicken Ham Lamb Pork. Fish and seafood. Salmon Tuna ...
Health & Nutrition, 11 pages
2019 03 22
Calvin Klein presentation
Calvin klein. Calvin Klein Inc. Klein founded Calvin Klein Limited. Calvin Klein white label, basic fashion better sportswear line. Cwhite label line for Macy's. Calvin Klein Jeans (denimwear line licensed to Warnaco Group through at least ...
Design, 23 pages
2019 03 22
Presentation about History of cars
History of cars. What is a car? Car is a road vehicle, typically with four wheels. When was it invented? There are many different types of cars - steam. Who drove the first cars? In 1900 wealthy. The first cars. Advantages of having a car. People ...
Transport, 7 pages
2019 03 22
My Daily routine presentation
My Daily routine. Got up at 7 o'clock Later I dressed. Brushed my teeth. Ate breakfast. Half past seven I went to school. From eight o'clock I had lessons till two o'clock. At three o'clock I came home. Ate lunch I watched TV I played my phone. ...
Lifestyle, 13 pages
2019 03 21
Presentation about Inventions: Jeans
Inventions. Jeans. Data 2019, 20 February. Jeans are a type. About Jacob W. Davis. (the inventor). Jacob W. The birth of jeans.  They were invented in 1873 and a worn still but in a different context. One day. Facts about jeans. First name for ...
Design, 9 pages
2019 03 20
Nautical tourism paper
Introduction. Port of klaipėda. The Importance of Klaipeda Port in the Country Economy. Port companies, terminals. Cruise shipping. The largest ships that have been arrived in the Klaipėda port. Port of rijeka. Terminals. Cruise shipping. ...
Travel, 16 pages
2019 03 20
Speak about the subject of economics
The Subject of Economics. Going to speak about the subject of economics. First of all. Economic agents  interact. Unemployment , inflation , monetary and fiscal policy , Gross domestic product or GDP , economic growth. Supply and demand. ...
Economy & Finance, 3 pages
2019 03 20
Essay about Businessman
So, today I‘m going to speak about a businessman, person who makes it to the top on the rankings of world‘s wealthiest people every year - American business magnate, computer programmer and inventor, former chief executive and chairman of ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 page
2019 03 20
Monologue: procrastinate doing homework
Today I‘m going to talk about how students procrastinate doing homework, by number of respondents. So, I want to analyze the chart. So we discuss school studens and university students. 62% of school studens spend their time on watching TV and ...
Education, 1 page
2019 03 20
Poster competition
B: In my humble opinion they can presenting not just cities, but also small towns, even villages that has an interesting history because we need to appreciate what we have, we also need diversity in this competition.A: Oh this is totally ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 03 20
Speak about globalization
Speak about globalization. In fact , there are two sides of globalization benefits and drawbacks. Migration of labour  force. The  global common market. Across borders. Elimination of  barriers. But there is another side of the coin. GDPs ...
Politics, 2 pages
2019 03 20
Sugar types and affects to our brain presentation
SUGAR affects to our brain. Sugar history. Sugar was first. The history of sugar has five main phases. The extraction of sugar cane juice from the sugarcane plant. Sugarcanes. Sugar types. PROS and CONS of sugar for the brain. Cons. Sugar ...
Biology, 8 pages
2019 03 20
Microeconomics home work
Firstly , microeconomics. Supply and demand. To charge  for. Individuals ,  households  and firms. Price per unit. Supply and demand analysis. Exchange trade and distribution. That is not all what microeconomics analysing. In microeconomics is ...
Economy & Finance, 3 pages
2019 03 19
Presentation about Animal communication
Animal communication. Content. What is animal communication Forms of animal communication Functions of animal communication. Communication—when we're talking. Forms of animal communication. Pheromones — chemicals Auditory cues — sounds ...
Biology, 16 pages
2019 03 19
Presentation about Theatre
Theatre. What is theatre? Theatre genres. Theatre takes different forms, some of which are independent disciplines. Musical theatre. U. S. Theatre industry outlook. Collaborators. Theatre in Lithuania. Why theatre is still alive? On a online. ...
Film & Television, 12 pages
2019 03 19
Essay about Small and big business companies
Essay about Small and big business companies.
Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 page
2019 03 19
Presentation about Types of advertising
Advertising. Advertising is the. Functions of Advertising. To identify products and differentiate them from others. To build brand awareness, preference and loyalty. Types of advertising. Product advertising Nonpersonal selling of a particular. ...
Marketing, 18 pages
2019 03 19
Mammals quiz
Mammals quiz. What is the National animal of India? A Tiger. What animal can paint,play football? B Elephant. What's the largest animal on Earth? A Blue whale. What is the tallest land mammal? Giraffe is the tallest land mammal. What usually is ...
Geography, 22 pages
2019 03 19
The mass media have a major influence on our lifestyle these days
The mass media have a major influence on our lifestyle these days.
Social Media, 1 page
2019 03 19
Presentation of book The complete book of Ford Mustang
Home reading. About the book. Ford's Mustang is America's most iconic pony car. Facts about Mustang. Manufactured by Ford Created the. First generation (1965–1973It was developed in a record time- 18 months. Sixth generation ...
Transport, 14 pages
2019 03 19
Presentation about Heart failure
Causes. Having one risk factor may be enough to trigger heart failure. Symptoms of acute heart failure. Other symptoms of  acute heart failure include. Diagnosing acute heart failure. In addition, your doctor might order some combination of the ...
Medicine, 14 pages
2019 03 18
Rainforests presentation
RAinforests. What are rainforests? Tropical rainforests are forests with tall trees. Rainforests are found. Why are rainforests important? Rainforests are often. Rainforests help stabilize the world’s climate. Every year a big area of ...
Geography, 10 pages
2019 03 18
Presentation about Water pollution
Water Pollution. What is water pollution? Types of water pollution. Surface water pollution Groundwater Pollution Chemical water pollution. The causes of water pollution. Ocean and marine dumping Atmospheric Industrial water Sewage and ...
Environment, 9 pages
2019 03 18
Presentation about The rolling stones
The Rolling Stones. London England. Blues Psychadelia Rock and roll R&B Country Folk Reggae Dance. Mid-1960s - psychedelic album First concert – July 12th. Released 30 studio albums. Grammy awards. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Music, 10 pages
2019 03 17