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3544 documents
Tenses: Past simple
Past simple. To help +ed ( helped. Taisyklingi veiksmažodžiai- regular verb. Netaisyklingus veiksmažodžiai- irregular verb. Pvz. Do- did- done. Taisyklingiems veiksmažodžiams. Netaisyklingiems veiksmažodžiams. She, he, it. When did you ...
Languages, 3 pages
2019 03 06
Electric cars paper
English individual task. History of electric cars invention. Mid to late 20th century stops and starts. Advantages of electric veichles. No Gas Required. Safe to Drive. Reduced Noise Pollution. Drawbacks of electric veichles. Electricity isn’t ...
Transport, 8 pages
2019 03 05
Paper about logistics company „Baltic transline“
Pictures list. Summary. Introduction. Short history. Dislocation and units. Organisational structure. Employees. Motivation. International relations. Turnover analysis. Swot analysis. Sources of information. Appendices. Figure Company logo. ...
Logistics, 12 pages
2019 03 04
Social media advantages and disadvantages essay
First of all, social media could lead to mental health problems. For instance cyberbullying has become one of the reasons people get anxiety or even depression. People are way braver on the internet then they are in real life so insults usually ...
Social Media, 1 page
2019 03 04
Banking accounts and services essay
Nowdays, banking services are used throughout the world. All adults have bank accounts many of them have made it for childs. In fact if you have official money you are related with a bank. Bank accounts are big plus for us because we need to keep ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 03 02
Essay about Starting own business
Starting own business usually decides people who tired from their from life routine or maybe they need to prove something or want more money that life will be easier. Or they just have a long time dream. Some people are afraid to take risks and ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 page
2019 03 02
Essay about Investment and their benefits
Every person in world sometimes think about investment. They all think that if they invest in something they get more money and their life will be greatest and easier.One side invest and thinking were they can more invest and the other side is ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2019 03 02
Types of business essay
Firms are units of business organisation carrying on some production activity, which results in the production of goods or the supply of services to meet consumer demand. From a ‘one man‘ business to a giant public corporation, each of them ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 page
2019 03 02
Import export documentation
Nowdays is very widespread import and export. Both of the are important fot the national economy.In addition, each country is trying that they produced or growing products, goods also and services reach as many countries as possible, because it ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2019 03 02
To start a business essay
Usually people are afraid ,because they do not believe that they can do it and they overthink about others.Then you have a good idea you need to think over is that idea is realistic and make sure that you not going to construct ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 page
2019 03 02
Official english letter about company’s general manager
Official english letter about company’s general manager.
Management, 1 page
2019 03 01
Litter on the beach
According to the statistics, the majority 44% of litter by type is food wrappers and containers. 30% of litter by type is beverage bottles (plastic and glass). Also from chart we see that 14% of litter by type takes bags (plastic and paper). The ...
Environment, 1 page
2019 02 28
The mass media including social networking have a major influence on our lifestyle today
The mass media including social networking have a major influence on our lifestyle today.
Social Media, 1 page
2019 02 28
Why it is important to recycle? essay
WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO RECYCLE?We live in an age when many of us couldn't even realize what sweet wrapper or plastic cup, which is thrown away on the street can cause to both the natural environment and us. It is said, that If people don't start ...
Environment, 1 page
2019 02 28
Medical service essay
It goes without saying, nowadays we couldn’t imagine our lives without medical service as every person will definitely need to use it at some point in one’s life.However, everybody occasionally gets ill. Speaking about myself, when I ...
Biology, 1 page
2019 02 27
Global warming essay
To begin with, global warming has damaging effects on our planet. It is mainly caused by car and coal-powered power stations emissions and cutting down forests that clean air and provide us with oxygen. This way greenhouse gas is released to the ...
Geography, 1 page
2019 02 27
IPv4 Addressing Basics (IPv4)
Computers with Internet connectivity. Practical task. Ipv4 addressing basics ipv4 objectives. Do not set correctly. Named after the. Class Value for w Network ID Portion Host ID Portion Available Networks. " is the assigned network address. In. ...
Internet, 10 pages
2019 02 26
Making a difference: Volunteering, Donate, Simple acts, Raise money
Making a difference: Volunteering, Donate, Simple acts, Raise money.
Psichology, 3 pages
2019 02 25
Wie porträtiert Kristijonas Donelaitis Natur und Mensch?
Wie porträtiert Kristijonas Donelaitis Natur und Mensch?
Languages, 1 page
2019 02 23
Florence attractions
Duomo - Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Chiesa di Ognissanti. Basilica di Santa Trinita. Chiesa e Museo di Orsanmichele. Loggia dei Lanzi. San Miniato al Monte. Oltrarno district the city’s rose gardens. Free Sundays at museums. The Silver ...
Travel, 9 pages
2019 02 22
Fragen und Antworten zu Urlaub, Geburtstag, Familie
Fragen und Antworten zu Urlaub, Geburtstag, Familie.
Languages, 1 page
2019 02 22
Neulich habe ich etwas Interessantes in der Schulerzeitung uber Haustiere gelesen. Hier wurden ich 4 Aussagen ausgegeben und nun mochte ich euch jede Meinunge zusammenfassen, uber meine Situation berichten ung zum Schluss, screibe ich meine ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 02 22
Essay on topic about volunteering
Essay It should be mandatory for all young people to volunteer to help the environment.
Sociology, 1 page
2019 02 18
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten1. Szene 2. Szene (мельник, осёл)3. Szene (осёл, плакат) 4. Szene (шум за сценой, появляется собака, обвешанная сосисками, ...
Film & Television, 11 pages
2019 02 17
Consumption of fast food essay
Consumption of fast food on a regular basis has direct consequences in diet that leads to obesity and other diseases. In many ways, it is concerned that education on healthy diet can deal with the issue. In my opinion, education about hygienic ...
Biology, 1 page
2019 01 28
Germany public finance system
Country’s public income and tax system. How much revenues are collected to national budget from taxes and other sources. What are the main taxes that are collected to national budget? What are the rates of the main taxes? Compare to other ...
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2019 01 28
Qara Qarayev
Qara Qarayev. Kara Karajev, Azerbaijan Qara Qarayev, (February 5, 1918, Baku, Azerbaijan - May 13, 1982, Moscow) was a Soviet music composer and pedagogue of Azerbaijani origin. Among his pupils was a number of later successful composers.
Music, 3 pages
2019 01 28
Lies, was Claudia über ihre Erfahrungen beim Deutschlernen schreibt
Lies , was Claudia über ihre Erfahrungen beim Deutschlernen schreibt. Wie charakterisiert sie die verschiedenen Sprachen ? Trage die Adjektive in die Tabelle ein. Wovon hängt es AB , was wir lernen und behalten ? Ergänze den folgenden Text. ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 01 26
Life and Death in the Works of Hemingway coursework
Introduction. The concept of life and death. The philosophical context. Literary Context. The concept of existencialism. The life and death of Hemingway. Life and death in the works of hemingway. “The Old Man and the Sea”. “A Farewell to ...
Languages, 26 pages
2019 01 26
Future technologies essay
Knowledge is the most important thing that helps us in our lives, developing the future and its technologies. Technologies help us in many ways. Some of them help us to go move faster. Other helps us at work and so on. Some people think that ...
Technology, 1 page
2019 01 25