All documents (52)

6900 documents
Formal letter of complaint example
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service I received. To be more specific, it is about the coat, which was ordered from your online store last week, 30th September. Formal letter of complaint example.I ordered the coat, ...
Services, 1 page
2020 11 10
Police presentation
Depending on the administrative dependence, the police can be. The criminal police, state security border police water. Purpose to protect the public interest against the effects of crime by preventing. The criminal police. Paskirtis – ...
Law, 12 pages
2020 11 10
Invisible environmental problems have already made irreversible changes to our planet, haven’t they? essay
Invisible environmental problems have already made irreversible changes to our planet, haven’t they? Essay.
Environment, 2 pages
2020 11 09
Critique of SWOT Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces
Critique of SWOT Analysis and Porter’s Five Forces. SWOT Analysis. Porter’s Five Forces. Usefulness of SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces on analyzing competitive environment and strategic decision making. Reference.
Business & Entrepreneurship, 8 pages
2020 11 09
International Marketing Management
Introduction. Standardization vs Adaptation. Policy decision of Standardization. Benefits of Standardization. Advantages and Disadvantages of Standardization. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Adaptation. Sales Force. Benefits of Sales Force. ...
Marketing, 12 pages
2020 11 09
Understanding netiquette
Write two versions of a message to your English teacher. Follow these steps. Choose one of the topics below to write to your teacher about , or think of another one. You haven’t had time to finish some homework. Write and ask for more time. ...
Ethics, 1 page
2020 11 08
Summary of the idea of progress becoming impoverished
Summary of the idea of progress becoming impoverished.
Environment, 1 page
2020 11 08
The pros and cons of current sustainable energy sources
The pros and cons of current sustainable energy sources.
Physics, 2 pages
2020 11 08
Columbia presentation
Colombia. The culture of Colombia. Many aspects of Colombian. Las Lajas Sanctuary. Las Lajas Sanctuary. San Agustín Archaeological Park. It is a large archaeological area located near the town of San Agustín in in Colombia. Cuisine. ...
Geography, 9 pages
2020 11 06
Apple variety - freedom
Apple variety - freedom. Contents. About variety Diseases. About variety. Freedom is a. It was created to be resistant to a number of diseases. Advantages. Fruit trees are. Disadvantages. Can’t grow near homes, in gardens because apple trees ...
Agriculture, 10 pages
2020 11 05
What is bond. Features of bonds. Issuers divided into. Types of bonds. Fixed Rate Bond. Floating Rate Bond. Zero Coupon Bond. A high risk , high yield bond. Ouestions Why does an issuer choose to issue bonds – rather than borrow the money ...
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2020 11 05
Comparisons of two soils
Comparisons of two soils. Content. Soils types. First soil. Second soil. Advantages and disadvantages. Conclution. Soil is a natural resource that can be categorised into different soil types. Clay soil. Clay Soil is a heavy soil type that ...
Agriculture, 9 pages
2020 11 05
Animal experimentation essay
Hello, today I would like to talk about one of the hidden problems - animal experimentation. Experiments with animals around the world have been taking place for many years, and the results are amazing. Successful biological and medical studies ...
Biology, 2 pages
2020 11 05
MV Group „Logistics“
MV Group “Logistics”. Company presentation November. Private company “MV GROUP Logistics”. About company. What kind of company it is? „MV GROUP Logistics“ –is a company providing complex 3PL services to business entities. It is a ...
Logistics, 10 pages
2020 11 05
Pollution essay
Human history is inseparable from the ever–increasing negative environmental impact. In Lithuania, as in the whole world, there is pollution. We want to fight with pollution, to help our future generations live better, but do we taking action ...
Environment, 2 pages
2020 11 05
eSports brief history
INtroduction – eSports brief history. The very first game. The first tournaments in the gaming history (1972-1989). First large scale tournament. The rise of internet and birth of eSport. (1990-1999). Million dollars prize pools and Twitch ...
Sports & Fitness, 11 pages
2020 11 05
Office Space RFQ
Rent commencement date. Furniture & Telecommunication. Security and Safety.
Technology, 1 page
2020 11 05
Хүнсний нэмэлт
Хүнсний нэмэлт. Хүнсний нэмэлт гэж юу вэ? ДЭМБ-аас зарим төрлийн хүнсний нэмэлт болон бодисын хүний бие махбодид үзүүлэх хортой ...
Food, 9 pages
2020 11 03
Are school – leaving examination useful and necessary?
Are school – leaving examination useful and necessary?
Education, 1 page
2020 11 03
Roma & Grecia: ¿Por qué a diferencia de los griegos, los romanos utilizan la escala monumental en su arquitectura?
¿Por qué a diferencia de los griegos, los romanos utilizan la escala monumental en su arquitectura?
History, 1 page
2020 11 02
Walk to school day
Today Iam going to talk about traveling and transport. These days almost all people are using transports to reach their wanted places, but there is one day in United states, when people are using their feet to go to school. It was started by the ...
Education, 2 pages
2020 11 02
Classical music presentation
Classical music. What is a classical music? Features of classicism. Classicism opera. Life and creation work of J. Haydn. Life and creation work of W. A. Mozart. Life and creation work of L. Van Beethoven. Sources of information.
Music, 12 pages
2020 10 31
Klaipėdos duona factory
Klaipedos duona factory. Will talk about. Factory history Traditions Nominations Products they make. Logo. History of the Klaipedos duona factory. The mechanized bakery in Klaipėda worked already in. Since establishment here have been working ...
Retail, 15 pages
2020 10 30
Slides on Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a digital. History. In 1983, the American cryptographer David Chaum conceived an anonymous cryptographic electronic money called ecash. When is the best time to buy cryptocurrency? Like many financial. When ...
Economy & Finance, 14 pages
2020 10 29
Slides on Multimedia
Introduction. What is multimedia? History of multimedia. The five elements of multimedia. Text. Graphics. Animation. Audio. Video. Multimedia application categories. Information systems. Remote representation. Entertainment. Advantages of using. ...
Technology, 20 pages
2020 10 28
CPD process explanation
Explain how the need for CPD has involved. Identify the main principles understanding the CPD process. Stakeholders.
Management, 6 pages
2020 10 26
Freight transportation services presentation
Freight transportation services. Freight service. Is a facility. Different types of Transportation services. Road transportation Air transportation. Sea transportation Railway transportation. Road transportation. Cargo transportation on trailers ...
Logistics, 14 pages
2020 10 26
Büro des Präsidenten der Republik Litauen
Büro des Präsidenten der Republik Litauen. Büro des Präsidenten. Wie der Präsident der Republik Litauen gewählt wird. Wer kann Präsident werden. Funktionen des Präsidenten. Litauische Zwischenkriegspräsidenten. Präsidenten der modernen ...
Politics, 13 pages
2020 10 24
Herbal medicine in new era essay
Viral-infection - caused by the presence of a virus in the body.Digitoxin - natural chemical drug is used against fatal heart symptoms.Chronic disease - a disease that persists for a long time.Antidiabetic drugs - medicines ...
Biology, 2 pages
2020 10 23
Safe driving essay
These type of drivers should be punished. Should be taken driving licenses from them for 1 year and also get a hudge fine. These punishments should affect most of drivers but not all of them, the brave ones definately will break more rules than ...
Transport, 1 page
2020 10 23