All documents (225)
Amsterdam, there lives 744,740 inhabitants. Rotterdam, there lives 581,615 inhabitants.The Hague, there lives 474,245 inhabitants. Utrecht, there lives 290,529 inhabitants.Festival of the flowers It’s a festival, where huge, ...
Geography, 14 pages
2015 09 29
Radio. What are Radios? A Radio is. Who created the radio? People who were involved in the creation of the radio. Nikola Tesla Gugliegmo Marconi James Clerk Maxwell. Once radio broadcasting. The evolution of radio. Radios Everyday. Radios are a. ...
Technology, 10 pages
2015 09 29
Places to Visit in Lithuania. Vilnius Old Town. The heart of. Kaunas Castle. The Castle in. Hill of Crosses. The Hill of Crosses, close to the town of Šiauliai. Gediminas Tower. The mighty once Upper Castle in Vilnius is now Gediminas Tower. ...
Travel, 15 pages
2015 09 29
If your don’t speak French, an apology for not knowing their language. It is tolerant gestures. Give business cards to the secretory upon comes from office. Print cards in English and French language. French speaking a lot of hand gestures. The ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 9 pages
2015 09 29
Peter Gene Hernandez. Early life. Born on October. Musical background. His father, Pete -percussionist His mother. Bruno with sisters and brother. Eric , Jamie, Presley, Tahiti, Tiara. Childhood. " My dad. Mars began picking up musical ...
Music, 19 pages
2015 09 28
Tsunami. A tsunami is. In deep water. A tsunami can travel at well over 970 kph in the open ocean. The most destructive tsunamis Sendai, Japan 2011 Sumatra, Indonesia 2004 Lisbon, Portugal. Thank you for your attention!
Geography, 6 pages
2015 09 28
Capital city of New Zealand Continent: Australia Population: 188 thousands Language: English Currency: NZD New Zealand‘s dollar.Wellington is very beautiful and historical city. It has got a lots of parks, a wonderful buildings, museums, ...
Travel, 6 pages
2015 09 28
The genre of this book is fantasy. The main character is Edward Prendick, a man who was travelling in the South Pacific Ocean when his ship went down. He was rescued after many days by another ship. One of the passengers, Montgomery, nursed him ...
Literature, 1 page
2015 09 28
Agatha Christie was born in 1890. September 15. - 1976. January 12. Agata English writer, the author of many well-known detective.Agatha Christie was born in Torquay , England. Agatha was educated at home because of his father's death, the ...
Literature, 1 page
2015 09 28
Aspirin – universal remedy for pain , fever and inflamation. Aspirin in the Ancient World. Aspirin today. The chemical structure of aspirin. Important information before using. Veterinary use. Definitions Aspirin. Colorectal cancer. Dengue ...
Medicine, 4 pages
2015 09 27
1 SeptemberThe first regulation on free movement of workers comes into force. 1 СентябряПервое регулирование на бесплатном движении работников вступает вынуждают.20 ...
Government & Nonprofit, 12 pages
2015 09 27
Kanklės. The Kanklės (pronounced [kʌŋkles]) is one of the oldest Lithuanian folk stringed instruments. Gouged from one. Birbynė. A birbynė is. In the 19th century, influenced by classical instruments and especially the clarinet. The ...
Music, 11 pages
2015 09 27
By the way in my country more popular becoming second-hand shopping but it isn’t so innocent too. Secondhand is generally more affordable. Also you can pick up better quality garments for a good price. But person that likes second hand ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2015 09 26
It is difficult to decide, but I think for me most important factor in a job will be “feeling happy in work”. Because, my opinion, if you feel good at work you would like always wanted to go back there and you don’t have any problem. Also ...
Languages, 1 page
2015 09 23
Some people think that modern technologies are of great importance to the learning process.
Technology, 1 page
2015 09 21
Potencial impacts of nanotechnology on energy transmission applications. Presentation is made by. Contents. What nanotechnology is? Nanoscale. Nanotechnology is science. Nanoscale materials. Nanoscale materials (or nanomaterials) contain ...
Technology, 14 pages
2015 09 19
Tower bridge. Content. History Construction Tower. History. A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in. Construction. Building started in. Tower bridge opening. The bridge was officially opened on 30 June. Tower bridge design. The bridge ...
Travel, 11 pages
2015 09 18
First of all, I would like to say that animal testing has positive aspects. In my opinion, the best aspect of animal testing is that it helps find cures for human disease, for example – Parkinson. It is an illness when brain cannot work fast ...
Ecology, 1 page
2015 09 18
Kingdom Animalia Phylum. The Amur Leopard. Amur leopards differ from other subspecies by a thick coat of spot covered fur. Characteristics. Hermann Schlegel first. Distribution and habitat. Amur leopards are. Ecology and behavior. Threats. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2015 09 16
As you can see from my curriculum vitae, I have helped my mother to work with children at summer camps for two years. I believe that I have gained a lot of experience there as I communicate easily with children of all ages. Besides this, I often ...
Other, 2 pages
2015 09 16
I often get the feeling that many of students think I‘m a bit too strict with them. I suppose is some ways I am, especially when it comes to marking their tests, but I realy think this is nesessary if they want to get good results in their ...
Education, 2 pages
2015 09 15
St George‘s Day. Content. When is St George’s Day? Who was St George? St George’s emblem is the flag of England. What did St George do? How do people celebrate St George’s Day in England? Thank you for your attention!
Religion & Spirituality, 8 pages
2015 09 14
The subject of my essay is riding a bicycle. Firstly, I will interpret the data of survey and tell you, which group I belong. Secondly, I will describe my first bicycle and my first impressions learning to ride. Finally, I will present, what are ...
Transport, 1 page
2015 09 14
Hello everybody, today I am going to talk about junk food and fast food. I chose this topic, because we need to start talking about this since eating junk food is now a really big problem and it ...
Hello everybody, today I am going to talk about junk food and fast food. I chose this topic, because we need to start talking about this since eating junk food is now a really big ...
Food, normaluser5 klasė, 2 potemė
2015 09 13
In my daily life, I probably use much water. Mostly I use water in shower, toilet and for cooking or drinking tea or coffee. Here, in Lithuania, we are able to use water just by turning on the tap, so sometimes maybe we forget that there are ...
Health & Nutrition, 1 page
2015 09 11
Nowdays, I think, that goverment should do something new and make easier life for people with disabilities. I know, that for blind persons the goverment did a lot good jobs, but I think that in the cities could build special shops for blind ...
Sociology, 1 page
2015 09 11
According to the latest data, even 87 percent.Lithuanian believes that volunteering isrespectable activity that brings many benefitspublic. On the other hand, from the last12 months in any activity withoutany consideration of their leisure ...
Culture, 10 pages
2015 09 09
Smart controls can be easily installed and integrated with Activate's Mustang for children, an innovatively brilliant powered wheelchair which here at Smile we trust hundred percent to be the most suitable. Handicare's Puma is another great chair ...
Technology, 5 pages
2015 09 08
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Science reflecting lab report.
Sports & Fitness, 5 pages
2015 09 07
Theory and practice. What is theory ? First of all. Famous theories. Astronomy Big bang theory. Astronomy Big bang theory Mathematics Chaos theory. Astronomy Big bang theory Mathematics Chaos theory Physisc Relativity theory. What is practice ? ...
Education, 18 pages
2015 08 22