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6900 documents
About Communication
Communication. Prepared by. What is communication? Communication is. the first instrument that humans used in their process to socialize. Importance of communication. If you are. Categories of communication. There are various. Barriers of ...
Communication, 7 pages
2015 11 11
CV in english
Vardas vardaitis. Date of Birth , place. Marital status. Work history. Uab Electro industries Japan. Uab migan tech. Uab Optornos systems. Uab Nicola electric. IT skills. Other knowledge. Work with customers. Driving license. Personal qualities. ...
Career, 1 page
2015 11 11
Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping
Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
Information technology, 1 page
2015 11 10
My art
In addition to this, Art consist of several branches. The first form of art is Fine arts which include painting, sculpture and architecture. The second branch of art is performing art which consists of dance, cinema, theatre, ballet, opera, ...
Art, 1 page
2015 11 10
Greek Mythological Creatures
Often when people think of mythology, they think of the gods and goddesses. However, there is a wide variety of mythological creatures. Today I am going to talk about two famous Ancient Greece monsters, featured in many books and movies of these ...
Religion & Spirituality, 1 page
2015 11 10
5 ideas what should parents know
First of all, you should be sure about your decision to have a baby. You have to be prepared to cope with all unexpected situations, which you maybe still have not experienced. If you are cleared about that, these ideas might help you to ...
Relationships & Parenting, 2 pages
2015 11 09
Short story cinderella in theatre
If we use the word “crisis” instead of “conflict,” we can see how plays are built. The dramatist leads up to a crisis in the life of the main character (leads up very swiftly, in a short play); in the crisis, the character makes an ...
Literature, 2 pages
2015 11 09
Tennis presentation
Tennis. Tennis is a racquet sport that. Tennis is an Olympic sport. Best tennis player. Roger Federer turned. Ričardas Berankis. Ričardas Berankis is. Novak Djokovic. Novak Djokovic  is a Serbian professional tennis player who is ...
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2015 11 09
My favorite artist Van Gogh
My favorite artist. Biography. More about Van Gogh. Photos. Art Style – The Early Years. The Potato Eaters. Potato Diggers. Artistic Style- His Later Years. The Night Café. The Yellow House. He loved the sun and he loved yellow. so he drew. ...
Art, 21 page
2015 11 09
Dating consists of two people man and woman. Love is when the two people meet, when they are in love. Every man is for one person who actually love you and never leave.It happens that girls dream of what will be her boyfriend that he should be ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2015 11 09
How do you think history will record 21st century?
How do you think history will record 21st century?
History, 1 page
2015 11 08
Mobile Technologies
Mobile Technologies. Challenges and Case Studies. Outline. Device for voice communication. Everyday life‘s tools. Mobile applications. Interactive Digital Art - TelcomGallery. Mobile devices as remote control. Advantages of mobile devices. ...
Communication, 23 pages
2015 11 08
Models of wind turbines
Good efficiency Poor reliability Require external power source.Drag type turbine High reliability Less efficient Self starting.No yaw mechanisms is needed Easier to maintain the moving parts Lower wind startup speeds Situated close ...
Devices & Hardware, 16 pages
2015 11 08
Child abuse
What is child abuse? Physical abuse is.... Sexual abuse is.... Emotional abuse is.... Neglect is.... How common is child abuse? Who abuses children? How to recognize child abuse What to do about child abuse? And finally.Physical abuse ...
Sociology, 18 pages
2015 11 07
Creativity indexes
Economists agree that skilled, ambitious, educated, and entrepreneurial people—whom they refer to as “human capital”—are a central force in economic progress today. Talent is measured as a combination of two factors. The first is the ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2015 11 07
Living with parents essay
Living with parents essay: Do you agree or disagree that elderly and young family members should live in the same house?.
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2015 11 06
Shopping habits
In nowadays modern society, shopping has become a substantial part of many people lives. For some people shopping is considered as a recreation, for others as an emotional outlet.Mainly I go shopping twice a month and it’s enough for me. ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2015 11 06
Sustainable living
On the other hand, sustainable living requires much money. Actually, the use of solar panels cost a lot of money to install. Nevertheless, sustainable living sometimes has a negative effect on the environment. For instance, some alternative fuels ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2015 11 06
The history of money
In the 17th century the postal system was expensive but it was the main way for people to stay in touch. Postal services guarantee that postal items are delivered to the addressee by post office employees.Every customer who buys goods ...
History, 1 page
2015 11 06
Threats to the environment
As well as natural disasters, human has a huge impact on the environment and piles of threats are caused by people. Namely, water or air pollution is an inescapable result of human activity. Industries pour mountains of substances into lakes. As ...
Environment, 1 page
2015 11 06
Do you agree or disagree that the 21st century changed journalism?
Do you agree or disagree that the 21st century changed journalism?.
Social Media, 1 page
2015 11 06
Positive relationship between parents and children
Positive relationship between parents and children.
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2015 11 06
Essay on Body image and Self esteem
How important do you think body image is? What other things can improve your self-esteem?
Beauty & Makeup, 1 page
2015 11 06
Market research
Market research. Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences Student. Plan. General information Analysis of mark research results Conclusion. Nivea. Country Hamburg, Germany Made March. Questions. Whats your gender? How. Analysis of research ...
Marketing, 17 pages
2015 11 06
Game consoles market analysis
Talking about most popular games console Nintendo Wii as a manufacturer says this console is quite simple and created for everyone. For the young and old, for beginner players and for advanced because all kinds of people can have the same amount ...
Marketing, 6 pages
2015 11 05
Why do teenagers rebels, and how to avoid all of this?
Why do teenagers rebels, and how to avoid all of this?.
Psichology, 1 page
2015 11 05
Intresting technological invention - Drone
An intresting technological invention. Drone. What is a Drone? Drone is an aircraft without a human pilot. The Inventor. Drone was invented by the International Civil Aviation Organization in Canada. Appearance. Usage. Helps in Filmmaking ...
Devices & Hardware, 11 pages
2015 11 05
Children in families that have alcohol problems, suffer psyhological, social and learning difficulties
Children in families that have alcohol problems, suffer psyhological, social and learning difficulties.
Sociology, 10 pages
2015 11 05
Benefits of Speech Recognition Software
Benefits of Speech Recognition Software. Žygimantas Jarusevičius PI15_c. Tips to be covered. Speech Recognition Definition Speech. Speech Recognition Definition. In computer science and electrical engineering. Speech Recognition Systems. SR ...
Information technology, 8 pages
2015 11 05
Money makes the world go round
If I had a lot of money, won a lottery or something like that, I would prbalbly buy a huge house and a sports car, I mean who wouldn‘t want a huge house and a sports car. I think I would also throw a big party in the name of my succses. It ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2015 11 04